Coaching@Henley: Series 2 Episode 5
Rebecca Jones, Sarah Leach and Aboodi Shabi discuss their personal experiences of inclusion and the impact of not feeling included. The theme expands to the concept of self-awareness, ‘How I show up as a coach’, with a coaching mindset.

Inclusion and coaching
Professor Rebecca Jones is joined by Sarah Leach and Aboodi Shabi on the fifth episode of our latest series of Coaching@Henley podcast, as they discuss and consider the topic of inclusion in coaching, with each of them sharing their personal stories.
In this episode Rebecca Jones, Sarah Leach and Aboodi Shabi discuss their personal experiences of inclusion and the impact of not feeling included. The theme expands to the concept of self-awareness, ‘How I show up as a coach’, with a coaching mindset: curious, actively listening, cultivating trust and safety whilst demonstrating respect for the client’s identity, perceptions, insights and feelings.
Ultimately, the importance equipping ourselves with knowledge and of validating others lived experiences, understanding their perspective and then recognising their position, not encouraging the coachee to do what you would do.
Connect with us online: you can follow Henley Business School on LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also connect with the hosts of this episode: Rebecca Jones, Sarah Leach and Aboodi Shabi.
About the hosts

Dr Rebecca Jones
Dr Rebecca J Jones is an Associate Professor in Coaching at Henley Business School, the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching and a Chartered Psychologist. Her research interests lie in examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness. Passionate about evidence-based practice and teaching, she incorporates her research into her teaching practice at Henley’s Centre for Coaching.
Rebecca is the author of the book ‘Coaching with Research in Mind’ and has published her research in leading journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, the Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology and the European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology.

Sarah Leach
Sarah Leach is a Lecturer in Coaching at Henley Business School. She is co-editor of Third Wave Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (2022) and contributing author to The Coaches' Handbook (2020), Succeeding as a Coach (2021) and Coaching Tools (2021). Prior to joining Henley Business School's faculty, Sarah spent four years as the lead career coach for executive MBA students and was responsible for the career and professional development module of the MBA.
As an executive coach, Sarah has run her own practise since 2013, providing career and leadership coaching to senior executives from a range of professional backgrounds. She has a decade of experience in the water industry, building a strong reputation in leading and enabling business change by successfully supporting teams and individuals to confidently navigate change.

Aboodi Shabi is a Lecturer in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School.
With over 25 years' experience as a professional coach and trainer, Aboodi has been working in executive coaching and coach training since the mid 1990s and has several years of international coaching, training and leadership development experience. He has delivered coach-training programmes and worked with executives and teams all over the world, in sectors ranging from non-government organisations to financial services, pharmaceuticals and media.
Aboodi teaches on Henley Business School's coaching programmes and is module convenor for the Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching programme. He also plays an active role on Henley Business School's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Series 2 episodes
Series 1 episodes

The Henley Centre for Coaching
The Henley Centre for Coaching is a vibrant learning community where coaches across the world connect and learn collaboratively.
It is a space for sharing ideas to develop new thinking and practice in coaching. We provide professional development for coaches through an ongoing and evolving array of programmes, events and activities.