The ICMA Centre has a dedicated careers service available year round to support students and alumni.

You’ll have a careers module scheduled as part of your degree – this is designed to provide some key information, develop some core skills, and provide space and time for careers thinking – but it’s not sufficient in itself. Henley Careers & Professional Development is here for you throughout your degree, so don’t leave it all to later, because later never comes.There are lots of new terms and concepts to learn whether you’re looking to gain some experience, find work for the summer, or are looking for an opportunity post-graduation. We can help and guide you through all of this via 1-2-1 appointments, workshops, events and online via the Henley Careers blackboard site.Many Finance students go on to Finance careers and we’ll gladly help them do so, but not all, so if you find yourself questioning your choices to date, don’t worry, we’ll help you through your through process, and then help you achieve your goals.
You’ve chosen a Finance masters or PhD, but that’s only the beginning – if you decide to follow a finance career you’ve got to choose which one, and if you find you don’t want to work in finance, you’ve even more choices to make. Henley Careers is here to help you make those choices, and help you achieve those goals;
To help you understand your choices, and more importantly yourself you can:
- have 1-2-1 appointments to explore options, improve applications and practise interviews;
- attend seminars and workshops to broaden your knowledge of industry sectors, business techniques and improve your interpersonal skills;
- meet business leaders on campus to understand their roles and their companies first hand;
- Access Careers services 24/7/365 via the Henley Careers blackboard site.
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