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Communication for Impact

Communication for Impact

In 2024, the Centre helped to developed the GCS Evaluation Cycle which guides the planning, spending and evaluation of an annual budget of 300 million pound across 400 different government departments.

From 2025-2030, the Centre is committed to furthering knowledge and improving the impact of government communications across areas that include counter-terrorism, public health, foreign direct investment, education, road safety, tax paying, tourism and countering dis-information.

Achieving positive policy outcomes through effective government communications through engagement with the Government Communication Service (GCS), research by Professor Kevin Money, Professor Carola Hillenbrand, and Professor Abby Ghobadian, and Dr Anastasiya Saraeva and Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez , from the John Madejski Centre for Reputation (JMCR) at Henley Business School has informed communication strategies across UK government departments and platforms. This led to the launch of the GCS Evaluation Framework 2.0 in 2018.

Link to page here:

2018 GCS framework

During 2023 and 2024, Professor Kevin Money and Professor Carola Hillenbrand conducted a review of the Evaluation of Government Communications, which led to the publication of the Money-Hillenbrand Review and the launch of the new Government Communication Service Evaluation Cycle in February 2024, which is mandatory tool guiding the planning and evaluation of communications across all government departments and arms-length bodies.

1. The GCS Evaluation Cycle: Launched February 2024

GCS February 2024

2. The Money and Hillenbrand Review of Government Communications

Review of Government Communications

  • Developing best practice in communication and evaluation
    Strategic Partner: UK Government communication service, GCS
    Lead: Prof. K. Money who sits as a full member of the evaluation council of the UK government
  • Role of Messages and Messengers on Company Reputations
    Lead: Dr A Saraeva, Prof C Hillenbrand, Prof K Money and T Dyson