Our Research
Research in the Centre straddles the fields of international business, strategic management, innovation, development, and human resource management, and balances the necessity of a deep theoretical grounding with the added value of a strong applied focus. With our network of partners, we address both management- and policy-related real-world challenges, working with firms, NGOs, and international organizations.

Our research considers different social structures (e.g., economic actors such as MNEs) that populate the international business environment. We focus on the action of these actors and various outcomes at different levels of analysis. We pay special attention to societal challenges. These include compliance, geopolitics, digitalisation, green transition and cultural transitions, that influence and are influenced by the activities of firms.
We conduct multi-level research, from the individual, and firm level to the national and supra-national levels. Our research areas include:
1. Labour and International HR Management
2. Strategic Leadership
3. Theories of International Business
4. Global Value Chains and Governance
5. Trade and FDI
6. Innovation, Productivity and Geography
7. Sustainability, Inequality and Development
We are a highly interdisciplinary group that borrows and import concepts from international business, economics, political economy, psychology, and sociology.
We balance the necessity of a deep theoretical grounding with the added value of a strong applied focus. We conduct cutting edge research that uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques.
Our lines of research inform our teaching from the undergraduate to the postgraduate level. Of special notes are our IB Masterclasses that we deliver for both doctoral students and practitioners.
We strongly benefit by our close collaborations with The Centre for Economic Institutions and Business History, the World of Work Institute and Our Global Partners.
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