Corporate membership
Explore the benefits joining the HCCM offers to organisations aiming to become leaders the field in Customer Experience

HCCM Corporate Membership
Price: £7,500+VAT for 2023
(usually £10,500 per year)
Organisation-wide membership

“Joining the HCCM was one of the best things we have done as a business.”

Corporate Membership offers your organisation the opportunity to direct our research agenda and events programme each year, and to expose your wider teams to the insights developed by attending our workshops and individual engagements.
We also provide unlimited user accounts for the HCCM Members’ website, offering access to all of the benefits of the Individual Digital Membership to every member of your organisation, including our catalogue of content - over 10 years of research reports, past presentations and insights, as well as all new publications and outputs.
We work with our members to tailor each membership to their specific organisational goals, which means the benefits we offer are many and varied.

Corporate Membership Benefits
1. Research
- Member-directed research agenda
- Research reports and best practice case studies released during programme
- Access to research reports six months before general release
- Practical guidance for implementing leading cutting-edge customer management projects
2. Events
- HCCM workshops (at least 4x per year) - 3x free places for delegates from each member organisation
- HCCM annual conference - 2x free places plus 1x place for client or collaborator
- Henley Regatta conference - 1x free place plus 1x place for a guest or client
- At least 1x individual workshop/engagement per year, designed with the member organisation
3. Networking
- In-depth networking opportunities at all of our events
- Support for further connection through member services and HCCM team
- Opportunity for member organisations to host workshops
4. Further benefits
- Opportunity to partner with Henley Careers for access to Henley graduates
- Members-only website access, providing downloadable reports and other resources
- Access to booking Henley facilities - and assistance with booking accommodation, meeting rooms, event hosting, etc.

We are also happy to discuss further possible benefits suggested by our members, as we work with members and use their feedback to directly improve our programme and the benefits we offer - please get in touch with the HCCM team for further information.
Contact us
Get in touch to find out more about our corporate memberships, and to request a copy of our membership agreement:
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