Training tomorrow’s consumer researchers
The Consumer Futures Lab helps train future researchers of consumer behaviour. More insights to use today – more skills for tomorrow

In addition to supervising
Doctoral students, members of the Consumer Futures Lab develop skills in
today's undergraduate and postgraduate students to give them skills for the

Each year, a group of MSc Marketing students undertake a challenge sponsored by a local business to better understand consumers’ motivations in a market that they know little about, but are considering entering. Students work in groups to use their skills of analysis and creativity to identify market launch possibilities based on a sound understanding of consumers. The study visit has been running for six years, with fresh insights from a different challenge each year
2024 challenge - Reborn
A local entrepreneur had successfully launched a range of stylish kitchen utensils made from recycled materials and proudly highlighting that they were made in Britain. The range had received great reviews in Good Housekeeping magazine, and in the UK, John Lewis was stocking the firm’s products. But the entrepreneur had his eyes on expansion to overseas markets and wanted students to explore whether his marketing approach would work in France and what adaptations may be needed to meet the needs of that market.
Students set to work digging deep into the way French consumers buy premium kitchen utensils and whether the “Made in Britain” description would work in France. Through interviews with local consumers and distributors, the students identified a small niche gift market but advised against using “Made in Britain” because for this group, there were negative associations.

2023 challenge - Hivebrite

2022 challenge
2021 challenge
Chartered Institute of Marketing
Members of the Consumer Futures Lab work closely with the Chartered Institute of Marketing in training the next generation of professional marketers. As well as gaining CIM’s valuable qualification, a highlight of the year is the annual “Pitch” competition.
Student groups from around the world must analyse a market and gain a thorough understanding of how the sponsoring company can address consumers’ needs. In 2023, Henley Business School was very proud when a team from the School won first prize in the national finals, against competition from over 300 entrants

“Henley’s winners of the 2023 national final of the Pitch competition, Oceane Bax De Keating, Scarlett Cassidy and Anita Marcu, whose marketing plan for the social media site Weare8 stood out in the judges’ eyes from over 300 entrants”
The Data and Marketing Association is a professional body representing companies who seek to gain better insights to consumer behaviour through collecting and analysing large scale data.
Henley Business School is now an accredited centre for DMA qualifications and members of the Consumer Futures Lab assist with students’ successful completion of the Associations professional qualifications.
The Consumer Futures Lab has acquired research hardware and software for use in grant funded research. This is made available where possible to undergraduate and postgraduate students to support their dissertation based research.
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