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Real Estate Masters Subject Area 2

Masters in Spatial Planning and Development (full and part-time)

At a glance

Henley Whiteknights
Subject area(s)
Real Estate & Planning
Start Date
September 2025
12 months full-time, 24 months part-time
Full-time , Part-time
Programme Director
C Maidment2 75njexjcy
Christopher Maidment


100% of students would recommend their programme
Henley Masters Careers Survey 2024
(Henley Masters Careers Survey 2024)
99% employed post graduation
Henley Masters Careers Survey 2024
(Henley Masters Careers Survey 2024)


For 2024-25 we are pleased to announce the launch of our updated MSc Spatial Development and Planning, fully accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors*.

This Masters programme is recognised to be one of the leading planning programmes in the UK and Europe. You will develop spatial planning competencies, become a proficient planner with excellent market understanding and be prepared to organise, manage and negotiate development schemes from both a private and public sector perspective. The blend of analytical rigour and practical application will enable you progress to senior positions in the real estate and planning sector.

This programme is available as a one year full-time course, or a two year part-time course, where timetabling allows part-time students to study on a day-release basis to facilitate work commitments.

We adopt an applied, research-led approach to teaching and problem-solving that will enable you to develop core knowledges, skills and attitudes in planning and development (please see the ‘How we teach you’ section for further details). Through a series of integrated, real world-based projects, you’ll develop the skills crucial to being an effective professional, including negotiation, viability appraisal, 3D-visualisation, professional team-working and understanding the perspective of different stakeholders, including private developers, local authorities and communities.

You will have the opportunity to develop your understanding of the international context for planning and development through a week-long field trip , where you will engage with a range of professionals about how planning and development processes operate in other settings. You will also be able to develop in depth knowledge in a specific theme of your choice (e.g. ‘Environment’, ‘Development’, ‘Planning’ or ‘Rural’. Please refer to the ‘Course structure’ section for a list of modules and options.

Join us in Real Estate and Planning, Henley Business School (University of Reading) and we will help you shape your journey to become a professional with impact.

As part of our suite of Masters programmes, you may also be interested in exploring MSc Real Estate or MSc Real Estate Finance.

* For the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors the programme is mapped to the ‘Planning and Development’ pathway.

To complete the MSc Spatial Planning and Development full-time students will be required to obtain 180 credits from a combination of six compulsory and two optional modules, over the course of 12 months. Part-time students will study over 24 months, completing four modules in each of the two years.

A link to the formal Programme Specification with further details about content, learning outcomes, teaching delivery, part-time arrangements and other information can be found here.

Before joining us, offer holders will also have the opportunity to enrol in the Henley pre-study course suite, which includes innovative short courses designed and developed to better prepare you for your Masters programme.

The Henley pre-study course suite

Exclusively available to Henley Business School offer holders, the Pre-study course suite comprises of innovative short courses designed and developed by Henley faculty on the Futurelearn platform, one of the leading online learning platforms.

This course will provide building blocks of knowledge to help you prepare for your learning journey in the area of your choice as well as equip you with key employability and study skills for successfully navigating your studies and professional career.

This pre-study interactive course is designed by Henley Business School faculty, the University of Reading Study Advice Team and the International Study and Language Institute. The course aims to prepare you for your learning journey at Henley and focuses on helping you build important study skills to succeed in your Masters and beyond. Skills such as curiosity and independent thinking, effective communication and collaboration, digital capabilities, storytelling, empathy and professional integrity are not only important in your course itself but are also sought after by employers in all areas of business. Therefore, they are instrumental in succeeding in your professional career. The learning journey of our Masters programmes is designed in a way that allows you to build such skills and this course intends to demonstrate exactly how, and therefore help you to make the most of your Masters.


Semester 1

The focus of the first semester of the full-time programme (60 credits) is on core knowledge and skills in the areas of Economics, Planning and Development. Moreover, you will also start your independent study (40 credits) that runs over the whole year.

Compulsory modules Credits

This module covers the economic principles underlying urban and rural economics, planning, and real estate commercial and residential markets.

The module aims to build a solid foundation in the economics of property markets to provide an insight into the application of economic principles and models to land use, city growth, urban and rural development , planning policy and the property market.

Academic authors
WU Yi 75nkuq051
Yi Wu
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module takes students through the process of preparing a policy framework, whilst exploring the application of planning theory to understand how this might influence the plan-making process. The module aims to instil core knowledges around planning theory and plan-making, within the context of understanding the different geographies for planning and the different stakeholders involved. These knowledges are integrated with the core professional skills of team-working and evidence gathering.

Taking the module will enable students to develop a strong foundation in the knowledges, skills and attitudes necessary to analyse a particular context and develop policy and strategy for its future development, including how this should be influenced by different approaches to spatial planning.

The module prepares students for the module ‘Planning 2: Law, Negotiation and Governance’, where the group work undertaken in this module will be applied to a site-specific scenario.

Academic authors
Gavin Parker 75e5pfioc
Gavin Parker
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module takes students through the initial stages of preparing a development proposal, from initial site observation and context analysis to proposal development in response to a client brief. The module aims to instil core knowledges for site planning and place-making, including sustainable urban design, integrated with key skills for professional practice, including observation, policy analysis, three-dimensional visualisation and creative synthesis. The module will enable students to develop a strong foundation in the knowledges, skills and attitudes necessary to respond creatively to a client brief, to prepare development proposals that respond to contemporary planning concerns to create well-designed places.

The module prepares students for the module ‘Development 2: Process and Viability’, where students will develop their proposals further, incorporating considerations around financial viability and real estate development processes.

Academic authors
Angelique 2024
Angelique Chettiparamb
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module gives students the opportunity to carry out an in-depth Independent Study into a planning and development-related topic of their choice.

The first part of the module introduces students to the process of choosing and defining a research proposal, alongside developing core academic and professional skills. The second part of the module introduces research philosophies and methods in both qualitative and quantitative methods. A field trip to a European city will give students the opportunity to apply these research methods in a controlled environment. During the summer period students will draw on their learning and secondary data collection to develop their in-depth Independent Study, supported by a programme of group supervisory tutorials.

The module will enable students to develop their understanding and skills in all aspects of research, including learning from international examples and allow them to develop an in-depth, critical understanding of their chosen topic.

Academic authors
C Maidment2 75njexjcy
Christopher Maidment
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Semester 2

The focus of the second semester is on fostering more in-depth core knowledge in Planning and Development (40 credits), as well as acquiring specialised knowledge and skills in an area of interest, through the selection of two further modules (one from each basket, 40 credits) and the completion of an independent study, which includes a field trip component.

Examples of specialised areas are as follows:

Environment (Environmental Planning and Policy; Sustainability and Real Estate)

Development (Heritage and Development; Urban Regeneration)

Planning (Comparative International Planning Studies; Housing Markets and Policy)

Rural (Rural Property Law and Valuation; Sustainability and Real Estate)

Compulsory modules Credits

Through this module students will analyse a site specific scenario, assessing it within the context of planning law, regulation and policy and exploring its implications for different stakeholders. The module aims to instil core knowledges around professionalism, ethics and planning law, complimented by guest lectures addressing contemporary issues in spatial planning. These knowledges are integrated with the core professional skills of negotiation and professional judgement.

Taking the module will enable students to develop a strong foundation in the knowledges, skills and attitudes necessary to assess individual planning proposals, whilst taking account of how they are influenced by stakeholder relationships, policy and legal frameworks.

The module builds on assessment undertaken for the module ‘Planning 1: Policy, Theory and Governance’, where the policy framework developed by groups will be applied to the site specific scenario.

Academic authors
C Maidment2 75njexjcy
Christopher Maidment
Gavin Parker 75e5pfioc
Gavin Parker
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module takes students through the process of appraising a development proposal, in the context of real estate development theories and processes. The module aims to instil core knowledges for real estate development, including theories of real estate development, integrated with key skills for professional practice, including appraising the viability of a development proposal and reflecting on the influence of financial considerations alongside issues such as sustainability and high-quality design. Additionally, the module introduces students to the principles of working with a client.

Taking the module will enable students to further develop the knowledges, skills and attitudes necessary to respond creatively to a client brief, to prepare development proposals that balance contemporary concerns around sustainability and well-designed places with development viability and the structure of the real estate sector.

The module continues from the module ‘Development 1: Urban Design and Sustainability’, and students will further develop the proposals prepared for this module.

Academic authors
Claudia Murray005 002 75eh8z1g2
Claudia Murray
Ziyou profile pic R
Ziyou Wang
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Basket A

Optional modules Credits

This module will provide students with an awareness of the economic principles that underpin residential property markets and relevant government policies.

Housing has always been a fundamental basis for human life. Recently though, it has also grown to become the world’s largest asset class, powered by three decades of rapid global house price inflation. What happens in housing markets therefore affects almost everything; from financial market stability, to wealth inequalities; from national productivity, to rates of child birth.

This module aims to provide students with an understanding of why global, national and local housing markets operate as they do, and the implications this has for economies and societies more generally. It also aims to provide students with an understanding of how different types of policy – town planning, fiscal, monetary, etc. – can shape housing markets.

The module explores what has happened to global housing markets over the last century, examining the key supply and demand-side determinants of house prices, rents and affordability. It explores the role of mortgage finance, the relationship between housing markets and the macro-economy, and the recent growth of institutional investment in housing as an asset class. It highlights the distinct features of housing and land markets which make them susceptible to market failure, and discusses the various ways in which the state can intervene to potentially address these market failures.

Academic authors
Alexandros Skouralis
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module focuses on developing a conceptual understanding of sustainable development principles and their applications in real estate markets. The focus is on the adoption of sustainability and ESG in the UK property industry throughout real estate life cycles, including how this is relevant to and manifests itself at various life cycle stages, i.e. development, design, construction, operation, refurbishment, retrofitting and regeneration. The module also focuses on drivers and barriers for the adoption of sustainable development principles for a range of stakeholders in the property industry, including the business case for sustainability and building resilience.

Specifically, students will develop a systematic understanding and critical awareness of sustainable development concepts, policy actions, building energy, environmental and social assessment methods, building construction methods and key property sustainability debates and their relevance to a range of stakeholders in the built environment.

Academic authors
Jorn van de Wetering 75e5pfioc
Jorn van de Wetering
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Historic buildings and sites are a major part of the built environment. Many will be hundreds of years old, but there are also more modern buildings considered as heritage. The construction industry’s work is evenly split between new-build and work to existing buildings, some of which will have some statutory protection, such as being listed.

This module introduces students to concepts and practices in conservation of the historic environment, both in the UK and internationally, and explains the roles of the actors involved. The underlying philosophies of conservation, their history and how heritage is managed through legal frameworks and policy forms an important component. The module also considers matters relating to real estate processes and the shaping of both urban and rural environments. In so doing it covers aspects of architectural and landscape history, and practical building conservation. Examples and case studies are used throughout.

Academic authors
Henry Russell002 75edwqcke
Henry Russell
20 [10 ECTS credits]

The aim of this module is to compare planning practices and systems worldwide and draw lessons from such comparisons. The module will enable students to appreciate and critique different systems of planning as well as compare planning systems. It sets the context, history and development of planning in a given country, region or state and then explores that system through particular issues/themes/techniques (e.g.: housing, community planning, zoning, etc.) associated with planning. The module thus provides an opportunity to develop a global view of how planning is practised, and the advantages and problems of different planning systems set against their political, economic, social and cultural context. By also discussing different themes in planning, the module allows for an appreciation of the versatility of planning in contributing to resolving various economic, social, environmental and cultural issues.

Academic authors
KN bio
Kaio Nogueira
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module is designed to provide a theoretical and practical understanding of urban regeneration. It will focus on the relationship between the economic, social, environmental and political forces shaping approaches to urban regeneration, offering an overview of the evolution of urban regeneration policy and practice, with a focus on the UK context.

Academic authors
Emma Street 75ee1i73f
Emma Street
20 [10 ECTS credits]

There is an ongoing and critical role for planning to help address environmental and climate change-related issues globally and locally. Environmental planning has developed as an important policy field in its own right, it is closely intertwined with spatial planning more generally and features its own rationalities, types of knowledge and skills. Spatial planning policy and practice can facilitate efficient land use, prescribe environmentally friendly types of construction and sustainable mobility, and, crucially, make places more adaptable and resilient to impacts from climate change. The module provides students with an understanding of the range of issues and tools deployed to address environmental planning challenges using a blend of theory and practice-based examples.

Academic authors
Gavin Parker 75e5pfioc
Gavin Parker
C Maidment2 75njexjcy
Christopher Maidment
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Part-time students will be enrolled with us for two years and, in each year of their study, they will take three compulsory modules and one optional module:

  • Year One: Real Estate Economics, Planning 1: Policy, Theory and Governance, Planning 2: Law, Negotiation and Ethics, Optional Module
  • Year Two: Development 1: Sustainable Urban Design and Site Planning, Development 2: Process and Viability, Optional Module, Independent Study in Planning and Development

Modules or course content marked as optional are indicative and may be subject to change. Please note, constraints in timetable scheduling may mean you are unable to take some optional modules at the same time as others.

How we teach you

Our Real Estate and Planning postgraduate programmes are designed and delivered by internationally renowned experts, with a wealth of academic and professional experience. They are regularly updated to remain highly relevant in a rapidly changing industry.

We aim to create a stimulating academic and professional environment. We use a mix of lectures, small group tutorials, case studies and integrated real world-based projects to help you build a strong understanding of planning as it engages with real estate development processes (at the site, neighborhood, local, regional, national and international scales, as well as the social, economic and political contexts). In addition to developing professional skills in writing, communication,3D visualisation, negotiation and team-working, you will develop core knowledges in areas including planning law, the theoretical, professional, political and governance contexts for planning and development, sustainability and urban design and the economic viability of development, in the context of how the development sector operates.

You will be required to devise and interpret plans and policies for an area, evaluate development scenarios, and present your own commercially successful proposals in response to a client brief. You will have the opportunity to undertake an in-depth, independent study of a topic of your choice, supported by teaching to develop your academic and research skills and one-to-one advice from an allocated supervisor. You will finally apply your learning to other countries throughout the course and particularly during a week-long field trip, helping to understand how planning and development processes operate in different contexts.

Our programmes adhere to the highest both academic and professional standards, with lectures given by academic members of staff and visiting speakers from senior positions in relevant professions. They are well supported by leading industry organisations who provide our students with valuable professional insight and feedback.

Our research is internationally renowned as academically rigorous and policy relevant. It has a major influence on our programmes and is fully integrated into our teaching. As a postgraduate student you will have access to this cutting-edge research, a vital resource that will keep you at the forefront of the latest thinking. You will be encouraged to develop individual interests and general skills as a basis for a career in the real estate and planning industry, a related field or for further study.

2025 entry

Full-time Part-time
£10,500 £5,250 per year

We continue to offer partial scholarships for the course, based on academic merit. This includes our Barton Willmore legacy scholarship, run by Reading Real Estate Foundation (RREF), which aims to increase the diversity of the planning profession. RREF also support careers development for our students, offering a range of opportunities from a professional mentoring scheme to, evening networking lectures, to hardship bursaries. More detail is available on the RREF webpages.

International (incl. EU)

Full-time Part-time
£19,000 £9,500


Scholarships are now available for 2025 entry Masters programmes. Henley is proud to have supported over 170 postgraduate students with scholarships for 2024 entry. For more information on our 2025 Scholarships programme visit our scholarships webpage.

Entry requirement Criteria
Undergraduate degree A good second class honours degree or the equivalent from an Internationally recognised University

English Language Requirements

Studying in a second language can be challenging. If your English language ability is below the minimum requirement, we may ask for evidence of proficiency. Alternatively, we may ask you to attend an English language course before you begin your studies with us.

Requirement Criteria
IELTS 6.5 with no component below 5.5 in any sub-skills

Pre-sessional English Programme

The Pre-sessional English Programme is for international students who need to meet their degree programme English language requirements. Our courses equip you with the skills and language needed for academic success, including critical thinking, self-reflection, learner autonomy, research skills and integrating sources. The Pre-sessional English Programme is accredited by the global association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes, which guarantees you will receive a high-quality student experience.

Find out about our comprehensive range of Pre-Sessional English courses

Acceptance of LanguageCert Online and DuoLingo English qualifications

We accept the non-SELT version of LanguageCert (which includes the online version) and DuoLingo as suitable English language qualifications. These can be accepted for direct entry onto Undergraduate (except Speech and Language Therapy), Postgraduate Taught (except Speech and Language Therapy) and Postgraduate Research programmes.

For information on individual programme requirements and other English language qualifications, please visit our English requirement equivalent page.

If you require specific advice on your qualification please contact admissions directly by e-mail  or telephone at +44 (0) 118 378 5289.

UK visa requirements

You may need to obtain a UK visa. This visa will allow to live and study in the UK. See the  UK Border Agency website.

Graduate Route

The UK's Graduate Route post-study work visa allows you to apply to stay in the UK for up to two years after you graduate, with the opportunity to undertake skilled work. Visit the University website for the latest information.

How can Henley Careers work with you?

We have an award-winning careers team that will support you through your postgraduate studies and four years after graduation.

Here is how Henley Careers can help you:

  • Careers Consultant appointments: Our Careers Consultant are here to help and support you with any careers related concern that you might have. Whether it’s CV advice, practicing for an interview, providing feedback if applications aren't successful or support planning your career goals. We are here to help empower you to progress in your career.
  • Events: Henley Careers organise numerous events aimed to help you build your confidence, develop the skills employers are looking for. Additionally, network with employers and expand your industry knowledge.
  • Alumni support: You can continue to book one-to-one appointments with your Careers Consultant and use our online resources. For up to four years after graduating we’re here to help and support in your career.
  • Career Smart: Get a head start in securing a graduate job by taking part in our online course, Career Smart. You can expect to learn about the graduate recruitment cycle in the UK. As well as where to look and how to start applying to jobs, and the different roles available to you.

For more information  please see our Careers page.

Continuing your career

With the MSc Spatial Planning and Development programme you'll benefit from its strong connections to industry and across the profession generally. Many successful graduates have been highly sought after by both private and public sector employers, including planning consultancies, development companies, local planning authorities and large multidisciplinary property firms.

The University has an excellent reputation with the planning profession in both the private and public sectors. Our postgraduates tend to be sought after by employers and many find employment before graduating.

Our alumni association, The Reading Real Estate Foundation (RREF), organise career development and recruitment events for real estate students throughout the year. These include an evening lectures series with key industry speakers and an annual Careers Fair. To support your career development and interpersonal skills, you will also be assigned an industry mentor through the RREF mentoring scheme. Our innovative mentoring programme pairs your with professionals in the industry, both in the UK and overseas.

We have a professional Careers Development Advisor, Jane Batchelor, who helps our students with every aspect of the career development process, including identifying work placement, internships and permanent career opportunities.

Typical examples of recent employment found by our graduates are with planning consultancies such as: Nathaniel Lichfield Associates, Terence O'Rourke Partnership, RPS, DTZPieda. The bigger surveying firms with planning and development departments also recruit our students, for example: Drivers Jonas, Gerald Eve, GVA Grimley.

In the public sector there are varied options at the local, regional and national levels: government offices and departments, regional agencies and local planning authorities. The range and diversity of jobs and careers offered under the mantle of 'planning' is really very wide and stimulating. We will be happy to advise you in finding work experience and talk to you about your employment options during your time with us.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Royal Town Planning Institute

Royal Town Planning Institute

The MSc Spatial Planning and Development is accredited by the RICS and the RTPI.

Apply for 2025 entry now

Apply online  now through the University of Reading’s online application service.

The online application service allows you to complete your application information, attach electronic copies of your academic transcripts, certificates and other supporting information. It also provides a facility for an email request to be sent to your referees. This enables the referees to send your supporting references directly to us.

When to apply

We operate a rolling admissions system and it is recommended that you apply early to secure your place. There is no specific deadline and applications will be considered until the programme is full. However, to allow us time to process your application we recommend that you apply by the following dates:

UK/Home applicants International applicants
1 August 1 July

After you apply

You will receive a confirmation email when we receive your application form. Your application is then reviewed by a member of staff. If successful, you will receive a formal offer letter outlining any necessary entry criteria you will need to meet. You'll then be asked to confirm your acceptance of this offer.

If you require a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for your visa, details will be sent by email once all conditions of the offer have been met.

Throughout the admissions process we will keep you updated with key information via email. We also provide opportunities to interact with faculty and staff online.

Find us on Facebook  and keep up-to-date with news and events at Henley or ask us a question. In addition, you can speak to a current student, our students are always happy to share their Henley experience.

Our students and alumni are always keen to share their Henley experience. Whether you are a prospective applicant or already applied to a Masters programme at Henley Business School. You can ask questions to a current student by clicking the “Chat to our students” button below.

When contacting one of our students, please introduce yourself and the Masters programme you have applied for.

Speak to a current student

Contact us

For more information, you may also contact the programme director, Dr Chris Maidment by email at or by phone +44 (0) 118 378 6590.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at or by phone on +44 (0)118 378 7593.

An image of Jess Wells
“I found the negotiated development project one of the most useful aspects, along with the master planning project work. Lots of modules have also been useful, through exposure to current and past issues in planning.”
Jess Wells Planning Policy Officer at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Masters in Spatial Planning and Development (full and part-time)
An image of Ross Williamson
“As a part-time student who was working alongside their studies, it was great being able to apply theory to real-life experiences. It opened up a different way of thinking about planning.”
Ross Williamson Senior Planner at HGH Consulting Masters in Spatial Planning and Development (full and part-time)
An image of Anna Jones
“I found the group work and site visits extremely useful, as well as the academic seminars and lectures. The course gave me the confidence and independence going forward in my career as an environmental planner.”
Anna Jones Environmental Planner at Lightsource BP Masters in Spatial Planning and Development (full and part-time)

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