Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li
Professor of Informatics and Digital Health
Deputy Director of Informatics Research Centre
Programme Director of MSc Digital and Technology Solutions
Programme Director of MSc Informatics (BIT)
Director of EPSRC Future Blood Testing for Inclusive Monitoring and Personalised Analytics Network+

- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning,
- Information Systems,
- Digital Health,
- Advanced Analytics,
- Decision Support System,
- Digital Leadership and Strategy
With a background in informatics, Prof Li is an interdisciplinary researcher focusing on solving challenges in healthcare using digital technology that combines AI, machine learning, information systems, medical science and social science.
Prof Weizi (Vicky) Li is a Professor of Informatics and Digital Health, Deputy Director in Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading. She is a Fellow of Charted Institute of IT (British Computer Society). She is an interdisciplinary researcher focusing on using informatics, data science, machine learning, and digital information systems to solve real-world healthcare challenges.
She is the Principal Investigator and Director of EPSRC Future Blood Testing for Inclusive Monitoring and Personalised Analytics NetworkPlus; EPSRC AI for Health project: Advancing machine learning to achieve real-world early detection and personalised disease outcome prediction of inflammatory arthritis.
She is the academic lead of a large collaborative project of Improving the Quality of Healthcare through an Integrated Clinical Pathway Management Approach and Cloud-based Digital Data Integration Platform, which was awarded ESRC O2RB Excellence in Impact Award in 2018 and 4*/3* impact case study in REF 2021 for her research impact on healthcare quality improvement. She is the academic lead of a machine learning-based decision support system for outpatient management which has successfully been implemented in Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust and has received the Research Engagement and Impact award in 2020, shortlisted for 2022 impact award and Health Service Journal (HSJ) patient safety award.
She has been PI on projects funded by NIHR, ESRC, EPSRC, The Health Foundation, NHS, Innovate UK and companies, working on data-driven decision support systems that use real-world data (under a privacy-preserving framework) from multiple sources including Electronic Patient Records in acute, community hospital and primary care settings, remote health monitoring and patient-reported outcomes to develop novel technologies (including AI-based methods) to support clinical and operational decision makings in patient pathways.
Prof Li is also the programme director of MSc Digital & Technology Solutions, and is the module convener of MSc Digital Health and Data Analytics.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kecheng Liu - Professor Keiichi Nakata - Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Dr Irina Heim - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng LiuHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng LiuHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu - Professor Yinshan Tang - Professor Maksim BelitskiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu - Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Abby GhobadianHenley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng LiuHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiHenley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) LiMost recent news & media
Academic lead and PI in the following grants, awards and projects
1. RMD-Health: Machine learning-enabled decision support system to improve early detection and referral of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), Invention for Innovation Product Development Award, 2024-2027, NIHR206473, £1,165,145.00, Principal Investigator.
2. Advancing machine learning to achieve real-world early detection and personalised disease outcome prediction of inflammatory arthritis Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), £600,000, EP/Y019393/1, 2023-2025, Principal Investigator.
3. Machine learning-based rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (RMD) risk stratification to improve disease detection and referral triage in rheumatology. National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), invention for innovation (i4i) FAST (Funding At the Speed of Innovation), 2023, NIHR205854, £39,991.00
4. Future blood testing for inclusive monitoring and personalised analytics Network+ (2021-2024, EP/W000652/1), £800,898 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Principal Investigator.
5. Collaborative Innovation Fund (Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust-RBFT and University of Reading-UoR). Evaluating the Virtual Ward Model and Predicting Patient Deterioration to Improve Care Pathways and Patient Experience. £33,684, 2022-2024.
6. The Health Foundation. The virtual hug of support and its impact on healthcare outcomes and barriers. £15,000, 2022-2023.
7. The Health Foundation (Advancing Applied Analytics). Developing a patient event-based analytical framework to track and identify variation in clinical processes and patient outcome, £75k, August 2020 – August 202, 1936247.
8. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) award in applications and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). “Application and implication of machine learning: understanding and predicting healthcare resource usage and patient risk for improved population engagement”. £120k. 2019-2023.
9. Excellence in Impact Award, “Integrated Healthcare Information system for medical and care quality improvement”, O2RB (the University of Oxford, the Open University, Reading and Oxford Brookes) funded by Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account, April 2018
10. Research Engagement and Impact Award, University of Reading. Predicting NHS outpatient attendance to reduce "Did-Not-Attend (DNA)" in Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, May 2020
11. Research contract. Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust: “Predictive deep learning for clinical and operational intelligence”, £90k, 2017-2020.
12. Industry research contract. “Deep Learning from Electronic Patient Record and Knowledge Base for Predictive Clinical Support” £87k, 2017-2020.
13. Collaborative Innovation Fund (RBFT&UoR). Phenotyping patients living with Type 1 diabetes with detailed blood glucose variability and electronic patient record in the context of the continuous glucose monitoring system. The aim of this project is to provide insights of patient cohorts for personalised treatment. £8000, June 2019- Jan 2020
14. Collaborative Innovation Fund (RBFT&UoR). Early diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis using machine learning analysing GP referral letters, blood test and clinic letters to improve pre-hospital referral triage. £9,100, Jan 2020- August 2020
15. Collaborative Innovation Fund (RBFT&UoR). Can digital records determine disease phenotypes of diabetes kidney disease in the chronic and acute setting to influence service development to prevent admissions? £12,500, Jan 2020- June 2020
16. Collaborative Innovation Fund (RBFT&UoR). Predicting radiotherapy toxicity through electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROMs) and electronic patient records (EPR) for personalised radiotherapy. £10,306, August 2020- July 2021
Programme Director MSc Digital and Technology Solutions
Telemedicine in practice in Future Proof Your Health Practice programme
EPSRC Health Technology Network,7CEW,2MLX14,UNX4,1
O2RB Impact Excellence Award
Personalised medicine for people with diabetes
Research Engagement and Impact Award: Intelligent solutions to a costly issue
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
- Information Systems
- Digital Health
- Advanced Analytics
- Decision Support System
- Digital Leadership and Strategy
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