Professor Malcolm McDonald has been a key influencer in the development of marketing education, and is author of 87 scholarly papers and 46 books, one of which – on Marketing Plans - has sold over half a million copies worldwide.
He is on the editorial board of a number of top journals and reviews scholarly papers for these journals.
Malcolm is a graduate in English Language and Literature from Oxford University, in Business Studies from Bradford University Management Centre, and has a PhD from Cranfield University. He also has an honorary Doctorate from Bradford University and an honorary Doctorate from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
He has extensive industrial experience including a number of years as Marketing and Sales Director of Canada Dry, where he controlled a sales force of 250 people. He has also been involved in training sales people and sales managers for multinational companies such as SKF and Alfa Laval. He has since spent much of his time working with the operating boards of the world’s biggest multinational companies, including IBM, Xerox and BP, in most countries of the world, including Japan, USA, Europe, South America, and Australasia. In 2008 he was named by the Times as one of Britain’s top ten consultants.
Malcolm has taught on some of the world’s top MBA programmes. Whilst being totally supportive of scholarly research, he is also committed to encouraging scholarly teaching. Indeed, he still teaches on top executive courses globally, and delegate reviews consistently position him as one of marketing’s top teachers. His teaching on Henley’s MBA programme has always been highly rated by students.
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