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Gavin Parker

Professor of Planning Studies

Gavin Parker 75e5pfioc


  • Expertise in planning, 
  • Neighbourhood planning; Community engagement and planning, 
  • Countryside planning, 
  • Local decision making, 
  • Land and property rights; Land use conflict


HBS 127, Whiteknights Campus

Gavin is Chair of Planning Studies. A chartered planner Professor Parker maintains a strong research interest in citizenship, participation, knowledge and governance in land, planning and development.

Gavin is interested in the relationship between land and people and considerations of property rights and conflict over land use. This interest spans the urban and rural divide and a number of policy fields. He has maintained a thread of research that is concerned with interactions and tensions between actors involved in planning and development throughout his research career. This has been manifest in the body of work he has produced on participation in planning, community action and neighbourhood planning in England.

Gavin has been actively researching community and neighbourhood planning with numerous reports and publications that have been shaping policy agendas in this area. He has also been exploring the changing nature of planning and the profession, including the shifting roles of the public, private and third sector. He has a keen interest in the application of theory to practice and seeks to demonstrate the value of theory in his research and teaching.

In 2020 he was elected as Chair of the New Forest National Park Authority and between 2012-14 he was an executive director of the Royal Town Planning Institute. He is Chair of the RTPI London Southbank University Partnership board and external examiner at Cardiff University. Gavin is also a board member and vice chair of Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) and he chaired the Community Council for Berkshire from 2006 to 2011. Internationally Gavin has developed a particular interest in land use, community and planning policy in Japan and he has been a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo and held JSPS funded visiting fellow posts there as well as at Tsukuba and Seikei Universities over the past 20 years.

Amongst numerous academic and policy oriented publications Gavin has authored seven books: ‘Citizenships, Contingency and the Countryside’ (Routledge, 2002); ‘Key Concepts in Planning’ (Sage, 2012) with Joe Doak; ‘Enabling Participatory Planning’ (Policy Press, 2018) with Emma Street; and ‘Neighbourhood Planning in Practice’ (Lund Humphries, 2019) with Kat Salter and Matt Wargent - which won the 2019 RTPI Sir Peter Hall research excellence award and is aimed at those involved in Community Planning. His fifth book is ‘Contemporary Planning Practice: skills, specialisms and knowledges’ (Macmillan, 2021) edited with Emma Street and, written with Mark Dobson Slow Planning? Timescapes, power and democracy (Policy Press, 2024) and lastly, the edited work Rural Planning Futures (Routledge, 2025).

Gavin is keen to work with potential doctoral researchers wishing to pursue any of the themes expressed above, and in particular planning temporalities, participation in planning and neighbourhood planning topics


  • PhD - Land, Citizenship and Property Rights (Bristol)
  • MPhil - Town Planning (London)
  • BSc (Hons) - Land Economy (London)
  • Chartered Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute (FRTPI)
  • Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS)
  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Current and recent PhD students

Joe Doak: Five Hundred Years of Non-Linear History: Exploring Land-Ownership, Property Development and its Social Regulation in Central Reading 1500-2000. First supervisor

Tessa Lynn: The Social Relations of Property: Motives, Means and Outcomes of the Community Right to Bid. First supervisor

Esteban Rocha: Participatory Initiatives in Urban Planning: Conceptual Integration and Empirical Evidence from Emerging and Developed Countries. First supervisor

Katherine Salter: Assembling localism: the role and response(s) of local planning authorities to neighbourhood planning in England. First supervisor

Sarah Wood: Green finance and the commodification of nature: impact on rural land and development. First supervisor

Key Publications

Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2025) Examining the discourse of ‘delay’ in urban governance: project speed and the politicisation of time in the English Planning System. Cities, 158. 105709. ISSN 1873-6084 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2024) Timescapes: to follow Ebenezer Howard or Ebenezer Scrooge? Town and Country Planning, 93 (6). pp. 344-346. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2024) Planning change and its purpose: the planning system as a modern ‘ship of theseus’. Town and Country Planning, 93 (5). pp. 275-280. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2024) Diagnosing delay in planning: Dobry at 50. Town and Country Planning, 93 (3). pp. 173-177. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Scott, M., Parker, G. , Juntti, M., Castellino, J., Forero, O., Mell, I., Jerome, G., Amati, M., Hernandez, C., Buntine, C., Dodd, A., Hamiduddin, I., O'Brien, C., Lucocq, H., Lennon, M. and Blyth, R. (2024) The biodiversity crisis – planning for nature recovery? Planning Theory & Practice, 25 (1). pp. 103-140. ISSN 1470-000X doi: (Interface. Scott, M., Parker, G. (eds).)
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Maidment, C. (2024) In defence of good planning: planning practice, the learned profession and unifying action through reflexive lifelong learning. Town Planning Review, 95 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Christopher Maidment
Reference: Dobson, M. and Parker, G. (2024) The temporal governance of planning in England: planning reform, Uchronia and ‘Proper Time'. Planning Theory. ISSN 1741-3052 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Mark Dobson - Gavin Parker
Reference: Bragaglia, F. and Parker, G. (2023) The role and significance of planning consultants as intermediary-actors: between and amongst government, civic society and the market. International Planning Studies. ISSN 1469-9265 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2023) ‘Do the right thing’: planning at the intersection of the ‘culture wars’. Town and Country Planning, 92 (6). pp. 381-386. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Dobson, M. and Parker, G. (2024) Slow planning? Timescapes, power and democracy. Policy Press, Bristol, pp188. ISBN 9781447367703
Henley faculty authors:
Mark Dobson - Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Dobson, M. (2023) Planning in time, time for planning, and time to plan — 'timescaping' and its implications for practice. Town and Country Planning, 92 (Jul-Aug). pp. 243-247. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson
Reference: Maidment, C. and Parker, G. (2023) An understanding gap? Planning education in a time of change: a response to Taylor and Close. Town Planning Review, 94 (3). pp. 255-270. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Christopher Maidment - Gavin Parker
Reference: Lynn, T. , Parker, G. and Wargent, M., (2023) Underrepresented neighbourhood plan areas in Middlesbrough. Report. Kingfisher Commons, Peterborough. pp51.
Henley faculty authors:
Tessa Lynn - Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Wargent, M., Salter, K. and Yuille, A. (2023) Neighbourhood planning in England: a decade of institutional learning. Progress in planning. Progress in Planning, 174. 100749. ISSN 1873-4510 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Dobson, M. and Parker, G. (2023) The moral economy of localism in England: neighbourhood planning as neoliberal ‘apprentice piece'. Territory Politics Governance. ISSN ISSN: 2162-2671 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Mark Dobson - Gavin Parker
Reference: Dobson, M. and Parker, G. (2023) Words (in)action: the orchestration of participation in planning through Statements of Community Involvement in England. Town Planning Review. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Mark Dobson - Gavin Parker
Reference: Maidment, Christopher and Parker, Gavin (2022) An understanding gap? Planning education in a time of change: a response to Taylor and Close. Town Planning Review. ISSN 1478-341X (In Press)
Henley faculty authors:
Christopher Maidment - Gavin Parker
Reference: Salter, K., Parker, G. and Wargent, M. (2023) Localism and the will to housing: neighbourhood development plans and their role in local housing site delivery in England. Planning Practice and Research, 38 (2). pp. 253-273. ISSN 1360-0583 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Sturzaker, J., Blair, N., Burnett, A., Bygrave, A., Cecil, J., Copsey, S., Gallent, N., Hamiduddin, I., Harris, N., Juntti, M., Mabon, L., Mell, I., Parker, G. and Scott, M., (2022) Rural planning in the 2020s. Research papers. Report. Royal Town Planning Institute, London. pp40.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Moseley, M., Parker, G. and Wragg, A., (2000) The Joint Provision of Services 2000. Report. Countryside Agency, Cheltenham. pp67.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Moseley, M. J. and Parker, G. , (1998) The Joint Provision of Rural Services. Report. Rural Development Commission, Salisbury. pp124. ISBN 9781869964634
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Sturzaker, J. and Wargent, M. (2022) Levelling up neighbourhoods - back to the very local future. Town and Country Planning, 91 (3/4). pp. 99-101. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2000) Governing access? Local countryside access forums. A caution from the recent history of countryside access liaison groups. Countryside Recreation, 8 (2). pp. 12-17. ISSN 0968-459X
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Dobson, M. and Lynn, T. (2022) Governmental logics in commercialised planning practices: the case of Local Authority Pre-Application Negotiations in the English planning system. Planning Theory & Practice, 23 (1). pp. 60-80. ISSN 1464-9357 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Parker, G. , (1995) Countryside access liaison croups. An assessment. Report to the Countryside Commission. Report. CCRU, Cheltenham.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Dobson, M. and Lynn, T. , (2021) Paper Tigers’: a critical review of Statements of Community Involvement in England. Report. Civic Voice, Birmingham. pp46.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Parker, G. , Dobson, M. and Lynn, T. (2021) Statements of community involvement: setting the bar or barring engagement? Town and Country Planning, 90 (9-10). pp. 322-327. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Nunes, R. J. and Parker, G. (2021) Institutional liminality, ideological pluralism, and the pragmatic behaviours of a ‘transition entrepreneur’. Geoforum, 126. pp. 215-223. ISSN 0016-7185 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Richard Nunes - Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Dobson, M. and Lynn, T. , (2021) Community involvement opportunities for the reformed planning system: frontloading and deliberative democracy. Report. Henley Business School, Reading. pp61.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Lee, C., Parker, G. , Buckner, S., Mattocks, C., Barnes, A., Oliver, E. J., Cowan, A. and Lafortune, L. (2022) Neighbourhood planning, rural ageing and public health policy in England: a case of policy myopia? Town Planning Review, 93 (3). pp. 275-300. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Cole, L., Swanwick, C. and Parker, G. , (2006) The future character and function of England’s landscapes. Report. Countryside Agency, Cheltenham.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2021) Learning, integrating and managing: the politics of planning in practice. In: Parker, G. and Street, E. (eds.) Contemporary planning practice: skills, specialisms and knowledges. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 170-182. ISBN 9781352011999
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2021) Planning and knowledge in a changing environment. In: Parker, G. and Street, E. (eds.) Contemporary planning practice: skills, knowledges and specialisms. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 12-27. ISBN 9781352011999
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2021) Conceptualising the contemporary planning profession. In: Parker, G. and Street, E. (eds.) Contemporary planning practice: skills, specialisms and knowledges. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781352011999
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. (2021) Ethics and planning in a diverse professional setting. In: Parker, G. and Street, E. (eds.) Contemporary planning practice: skills, specialisms and knowledges. Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 28-40. ISBN 9781352011999
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Lynn, T. , Dobson, M. and Parker, G. (2021) Some lessons from development negotiations in England. Town and Country Planning, 90 (1/2). ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Tessa Lynn - Mark Dobson - Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2021) Neighbourhood planning and the basis for reform. The Clerk, 52 (1). pp. 10-12.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Nanda, A. (2020) Widening access to shared ownership is not enough to solve England’s housing crisis. The Conversation.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Wargent, M. and Street, E. (2021) ‘planning by gaslight’– on reforms, skills and political work in planning. Town and Country Planning, 89 (11/12). pp. 371-373. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , Wargent, M. , Salter, K., Dobson, M. , Lynn, T. and Yuille, A., (2020) Impacts of neighbourhood planning in England. Report. University of Reading, London.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Burchardt, J. , Doak, J. and Parker, G. , (2020) Review of key trends and issues in UK rural land use. Report. University of Reading, Reading.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Wargent, M. , Linovski, O., Schoneboom, A., Gunn, S., Slade, D., Odeleye, N.-D., Maidment, C. , Shepherd, E. , Doak, J. , Elliot, T., Nicholls, V. , Street, E. , Dobson, M. , Platts, S. and Tasan-Kok, T. (2020) The future of the planning profession. Planning Theory & Practice, 21 (3). pp. 453-480. ISSN 1464-9357 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Christopher Maidment - Emma Street - Mark Dobson
Reference: Dobson, M., Lynn, T. and Parker, G. (2020) Pre-application advice practices in the English planning system. Town and Country Planning, 89 (6-7). ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Tessa Lynn - Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Dobson, M. , Lynn, T. and Salter, K. (2020) Entangling voluntarism, leisure time and political work: the governmentalities of neighbourhood planning in England. Leisure Studies, 39 (5). pp. 644-658. ISSN 1466-4496 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Mark Dobson - Tessa Lynn
Reference: Wargent, M. , Parker, G. and Street, E. (2019) Public-private entanglements: consultant use by local planning authorities in England. European Planning Studies, 28 (1). pp. 192-210. ISSN 1469-5944 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Wargent, M. , Parker, G. and Street, E. (2020) Private expertise and the spatial reorganisation of planning in England. In: Jonas, A., Koch, N., Lizotte, C., Luukkonen, J. and Moisio, S. (eds.) Handbook of the Changing Geographies of the State. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781788978040
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. and Arita, T. (2019) Planning transparency and public involvement in pre-application discussions. Town and Country Planning, 88 (2). pp. 66-70. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2019) ‘Trust me… I’m a planner’. Town and Country Planning, 88 (2). pp. 57-61. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , Street, E. and Wargent, M. (2019) Advocates, advisors and scrutineers: the technocracies of private sector planning in England. In: Raco, M. and Savini, F. (eds.) Planning and Knowledge: How New Forms of Technocracy are Shaping Contemporary Cities. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447345244
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , Street, E. and Wargent, M. (2018) The rise of the private sector in fragmentary planning in England. Planning Theory and Practice, 19 (5). pp. 734-750. ISSN 1464-9357 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , Salter, K. and Wargent, M. (2019) Neighbourhood planning in practice. Lund Humphries, London. ISBN 9781848222830
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Baker, S. and Parker, G. (2018) Permitted development rights liberalisation in rural England: love’s labour’s lost? Town and Country Planning, 87 (3). pp. 117-123. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Wargent, M. and Parker, G. (2018) Re-imagining neighbourhood governance: the future of neighbourhood planning in England. Town Planning Review, 89 (4). pp. 379-402. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2017) How should a Reference Level be determined? Lessons from the discussion in England. In: Shobayashi, M. and Sasaki, H. (eds.) Agricultural Policies in Japan: Towards establishing sustainable agriculture and rural communities. Nourin-Toukei-Kyokai, Tokyo, pp. 177-194.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2018) Enabling participatory planning: planning aid and advocacy in neoliberal times. Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp141. ISBN 9781447341390
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Doak, J. and Parker, G. (2018) Planning for sustainability: reflections on a necessary activity. In: Dixon, T. , Connaughton, J. and Green, S. (eds.) Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050: A Foresight Approach to Construction and Development. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9781119063810
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Salter, K. (2017) Taking stock of neighbourhood planning in England 2011-2016. Planning Practice and Research, 32 (4). pp. 478-490. ISSN 1360-0583 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Uzzell, D. L., Leach, R., Ravenscroft, N., Groeger, J. and Wright, A., (2000) User interactions on unsegregated non-motorised shared use routes. Report. The Countryside Agency, Guildford.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Salter, K. and Hickman, H., (2017) Examining Neighbourhood Plans in England: the experience so far. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 02/17. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp21.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Salter, K. and Hickman, H. (2016) Caution: examinations in progress - the operation of neighbourhood plan examinations in England. Town and Country Planning, 85 (12). pp. 516-522. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Wargent, M. , (2017) Participant experience of neighbourhood planning in England. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 01/17. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp20.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Lynn, T. and Wargent, M. (2017) Contestation and conservatism in neighbourhood planning in England. Reconciling agonism and collaboration? Planning Theory and Practice, 18 (3). pp. 446-465. ISSN 1464-9357 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2017) Neo-advocacy for Neo-liberal Times: Planning Aid and the Advocacy Project in England. Town Planning Review, 88 (4). pp. 443-463. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. (2017) The uneven geographies of neighbourhood planning in England. In: Brownill, S. and Bradley, Q. (eds.) Localism and Neighbourhood Planning: power to the people? Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447329503
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Salter, K. (2016) Five years of neighbourhood planning – a review of take-up and distribution. Town & Country Planning, 85 (5). pp. 181-188.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Alexander, D. and Parker, G. (2015) Neighbourhood planning: a work in progress. Town and Country Planning, 84 (10). ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. , (2015) The role of Planning Aid England in supporting communities’ engagement in planning. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 08/15. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp19.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , (2015) The take-up of Neighbourhood Planning in England 2011-2015. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 06/15. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp21.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Lynn, T. and Wargent, M. (2015) Sticking to the script? The co-production of Neighbourhood Planning in England. Town Planning Review, 86 (5). pp. 519-536. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2012) Neighbourhood Planning: precursors, lessons and prospects. Journal of Planning & Environment Law, 40. OP139. ISSN 0307-4870
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Nanda, A. and Parker, G. (2015) Shared ownership and affordable housing: a political solution in search of a planning justification? Planning Practice & Research, 30 (1). pp. 101-113. ISSN 0269-7459 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2015) There goes the neighbourhood. The Planner. (
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Street, E. , Raco, M. and Freire-Trigo, S. (2014) In planning we trust? Public interest and private delivery in a co-managed planning system. Town and Country Planning, 83 (12). pp. 537-540. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Parker, G. , Lynn, T. and Wargent, M. , (2014) User experience of neighbourhood planning in England. Report. Locality, London.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2014) Engaging neighbourhoods: experiences of transactive planning with communities in England. In: Gallent, N. and Ciaffi, D. (eds.) Community action and planning : contexts, drivers and outcomes. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447315162
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , (2014) Social innovation in local food in Japan: Choku-bai-jo markets and Teikei cooperative practices. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 08/14. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp22.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Woodend, L. (2014) East side story: Japanese machizukuri, neighbourhood planning, and localism in England. Town and Country Planning, 83 (4). pp. 189-194. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Street, E. (2015) Planning at the neighbourhood scale: localism, dialogic politics and the modulation of community action. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (4). pp. 794-810. ISSN 1472-3425 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Emma Street
Reference: Nanda, A. and Parker, G. (2013) Shared ownership: easy wins but hard lessons? Town and Country Planning, 82 (4). pp. 178-182. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Beedell, J. and Parker, G. , (2007) Study of the effects of the racehorse industry on the North Wessex downs. North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Council of Partners
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (1996) ELMs disease? Corporatism, stewardship and citizenship in the English countryside. Journal of Rural Studies, 12 (4). pp. 399-412. ISSN 0743-0167 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Wragg, A. (1999) Networks, agency and (de)stabilisation: the issue of navigation on the River Wye, UK. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 42 (2). pp. 471-487. ISSN 0964-0568 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (1999) Rights, the environment and Part V of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Area, 31 (1). pp. 75-80. ISSN 1475-4762 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (1999) The role of the consumer-citizen in environmental protest in the 1990s. Space & Polity, 3 (1). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1470-1235 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Ravenscroft, N. (1999) Benevolence, hegemony and nationalism: fifty years of the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. Leisure Studies, 18 (4). pp. 297-313. ISSN 1466-4496 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (1999) Rights, symbolic violence and the micro-politics of the rural: the case of the Parish Paths Partnership scheme. Environment and Planning A, 31 (7). pp. 1207-1222. ISSN 0308-518X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Ravenscroft, N. and Parker, G. (1999) Regulating time, regulating society: control and colonization in the sphere of public leisure provision. Loisir et Societe, 22 (2). pp. 381-401.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Pratt, A. and Parker, G. (1993) Science, technology, innovation and regional development: or, on opening black boxes and exploring the secret life of new products. In: Cohen, J. (ed.) La Recherche-developpement et le Developpement Regional. CNRS, Paris, pp. 61-74.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (1996) Countryside stewardship and the consumer citizen. In: Watkins, C. (ed.) Rights of Way: Policy, Culture and Management. Cassell, London, pp. 69-85. ISBN 9781855673908
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Pratt, A. and Parker, G. (1998) Science, technologie, innovation: ouvrir la boite noir. In: Cohen, J., Hart, D. and Simmie, J. (eds.) Recherche et Developement Regional. Publication de la Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 185-194.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , Beedell, J. and Teanby, A., (2008) Review of the Rural Excellence II programme. Report. Improvement and Development Agency, London.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2001) Citizenships, Contingency and the Countryside: Rights, Culture, Land and the Environment. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415191609
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Herrington, K. and Parker, G. (2012) Speed and quality in planning decisions. Town and Country Planning, 81 (11). pp. 482-488. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Ravenscroft, N., Church, A. and Parker, G. (2012) Who’s land is it anyway? Deconstructing the nature of property rights and their regulation. In: Certoma, C., Clewer, N. and Elsey, D. (eds.) The Politics of Space and Place. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, 235 -257 .
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Moseley, M. J., Parker, G. and Wragg, A. (2004) Multi-service outlets in rural England: the co-location of disparate services. Planning Practice and Research, 19 (4). pp. 375-391. ISSN 1360-0583 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Ravenscroft, N. (2001) Land, rights and the gift: the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and the negotiation of citizenship. Sociologia Ruralis, 41 (4). pp. 381-398. ISSN 1467-9523 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2001) Planning and rights: some repercussions of the Human Rights Act 1998 for the UK. Planning Practice and Research, 16 (1). pp. 5-8. ISSN 1360-0583 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Ravenscroft, N. (2000) Tourism, 'National Parks' and private lands. In: Butler, R. W. and Boyd, S. W. (eds.) Tourism and National Parks: Issues and Implications. John Wiley & Sons , London, pp. 95-106. ISBN 9780471988946
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Nanda, A. and Parker, G. , (2011) Analysis of the intermediate housing market mechanism in the UK. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 17/11. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp26.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Lynn, T. (2012) Localism and growth? Neighbourhood planning and housing. Town and Country Planning, 81 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2010) Michi-no-eki: an opportunity for the rural economy? Town and Country Planning, 79 (7). pp. 346-350. ISSN 0040-9960
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2011) The agrarians and the arcadians: active citizenship and rural governance in England. In: Curry, N. and Moseley, M. (eds.) Reflections on Rural Change in Britain and Europe. Countryside and Community Press, Cheltenham.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Doak, J. (2012) Key concepts in planning. Key Concepts in Human Geography . Sage, pp296. ISBN 9781847870766
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Murayama, M. and Parker, G. (2012) Fast Japan, slow Japan: shifting to slow tourism as a rural regeneration tool in Japan. In: Fullager, S., Markwell, K. and Wilson, E. (eds.) Slow Mobilities: Experiencing Slow Travel and Tourism. Channel View Press, Jersey. ISBN 9781845412807
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Murray, C. (2012) Beyond tokenism? Community-led planning and rational choices: findings from participants in local agenda-setting at the neighbourhood scale in England. Town Planning Review, 83 (1). pp. 1-28. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker - Claudia Murray
Reference: Doak, J. and Parker, G. , (2002) ‘Pre-plan mapping’, networks, capital resources and community strategies in England. Working Papers in Land Management & Development. 11/02. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp30.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Doak, J. , Parker, G. and Raco, M., (2004) Community strategies in England: reshaping spaces of governance? Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 01/04. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp27.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , (2003) Sustainable homes and livelihoods in the countryside. Report. Chapter 7, Somerset.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2003) Review of 'Tourism recreation and sustainability: linking culture and the environment'. Leisure Studies, 22 (3). pp. 277-280. ISSN 1466-4496 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2002) Joined-up, stretched-out? Observations on rural service provision in England. In: Higgs, G. (ed.) Rural services and social exclusion. Pion Ltd., London, pp. 23-40. ISBN 9780850861747
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Murayama, M. and Parker, G. , (2003) Local environmental action in Japan: the transfer of the groundwork approach. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 15/03. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp67.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Crouch, D. and Parker, G. (2003) ‘Digging-up’ Utopia? Space, practice and land use heritage. Geoforum, 34 (3). pp. 395-408. ISSN 0016-7185 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. , (2005) Sustainable food? Teikei, co-operatives and food citizenship in Japan and the UK. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 11/05. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Murayama, M. (2005) Doing the groundwork? transferring a UK environmental planning approach to Japan. International Planning Studies, 10 (2). pp. 105-127. ISSN 1469-9265 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2007) The negotiation of leisure citizenship: leisure constraints, moral regulation and the mediation of rural place. Leisure Studies, 26 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1466-4496
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Takata, A. (2007) Governance and community management of public assets: the experience of Musashino, Japan. Review of Asian and Pacific Studies, 32. ISSN 1948-0105
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Doak, J. and Parker, G. (2005) Networked space? The challenge of meaningful participation and the new spatial planning in England. Planning Practice and Research, 20 (1). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1360-0583 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Raco, M., Parker, G. and Doak, J. (2006) Reshaping spaces of local governance? Community strategies and the modernisation of local government in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 24 (4). pp. 475-496. ISSN 1472-3425 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Luck, R. , (2006) Evaluation of parish planning in West Berkshire: report for the West Berkshire Partnership. Report. University of Reading, Reading. pp55.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2006) The Country Code and the ordering of countryside citizenship. Journal of Rural Studies, 22 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0743-0167 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Murayama, M. and Parker, G. (2006) Sustainable leisure and tourism space development in post-industrial cities: the case of Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan. In: Smith, M. (ed.) Tourism, culture and regeneration. CABI, Wallingford, pp. 69-84. ISBN 9781845931308
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Amati, M. and Parker, G. (2007) Planned by farmers for farmers? Twentieth century land reform and the impact on twenty first century Japan. In: Miller, C. and Roche, M. (eds.) Past matters: heritage and planning history - case studies from the Pacific rim. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge. ISBN 9781847181992
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Amati, M. and Parker, G. , (2006) Post War land reform and the impact on planning in Japan. Working Papers in Real Estate & Planning. 11/06. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp23.
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2008) Countryside access and the "right to roam" under New Labour: nothing to CRoW about? In: Woods, M. (ed.) New Labour's countryside: rural policy in Britain since 1997. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 135-148. ISBN 9781861349323
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. (2008) Parish and community-led planning, local empowerment and local evidence bases: an examination of 'good practice' in West Berkshire. Town Planning Review, 79 (1). pp. 61-85. ISSN 1478-341X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Amati, M. (2009) Institutional setting, politics and planning: private property, public interest and land reform in Japan. International Planning Studies, 14 (2). pp. 141-160. ISSN 1469-9265 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Brownill, S. and Parker, G. (2010) Why bother with good works? The relevance of public participation(s) in planning in a post-collaborative era. Planning Practice and Research, 25 (3). pp. 275-282. ISSN 1360-0583 doi: < >
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Brownill, S. and Parker, G. (2010) Same as it ever was? Reflections on a practitioner roundtable on participation in England. Planning Practice and Research, 25 (3). pp. 409-415. ISSN 1360-0583 doi: < >
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker
Reference: Parker, G. and Beedell, J. (2010) Land-based economic clusters and their sustainability: the case of the horseracing industry. Local Economy, 25 (3). pp. 220-233. ISSN 1470-9325 doi: < >
Henley faculty authors:
Gavin Parker

Environmental Planning and Policy

There is an ongoing and critical role for planning to help address environmental and climate change-related issues globally and locally. Environmental planning has developed as an important policy field in...

Module code: REMP59

Planning 2 - Law, Negotiation and Ethics

Through this module students will analyse a site specific scenario, assessing it within the context of planning law, regulation and policy and exploring its implications for different stakeholders. The module...

Module code: REMP57

Planning 1 - Policy, Theory and Governance

This module takes students through the process of preparing a policy framework, whilst exploring the application of planning theory to understand how this might influence the plan-making process. The module...

Module code: REMP56

Rural Policy And Planning

This module examines current countryside issues and policies, with an emphasis on planning in England and Wales. ...

Module code: REMRPP