Professor Kevin Money
Professor of Reputation and Responsible Leadership
Director of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation
- Relationships,
- Reputation,
- Leadership,
- Identity,
- Communication
Professor Kevin Money is a Professor of Reputation and Responsible Leadership and Director of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation at Henley Business School.
Interested in applying psychology to study relationships, Kevin explores the basis of functional identities, reputations and relationships at a personal and organisational level. He studies how relationships are built upon strengths and vulnerabilities and how identity is developed and expressed in adulthood in many settings and through responsible leadership practices.
He speaks regularly at conferences, supervises doctoral research, is a Chartered Psychologist, edited the Journal of General Management and Manager Update and was director of many organisations, including the Positive Psychology Forum, iSolon and Edutain. He has written for publications such as the Journal of Business Research, Group and Organisation Management, the Journal of Business Ethics, the British Journal of Management and the Harvard Business Manager.
Kevin is an international consultant, leading projects with public and private sector organisations, such as Shell, Unilever and Zurich Insurance. He has worked with governments, the civil service and not-for-profit organisations.
The National Audit Office utilised the Money and Hillenbrand Framework as best practice for its use within HMRC in 2013, showing his academic work's impact. Appointed to advise the Evaluation Council of the UK Cabinet and Prime Ministers' Office in 2014, he advises on the measurement and evaluation of reputation and relationships across government departments such as the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign Office and HMRC.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Dr Ivan Sangiorgi - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin Money - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Professor Carola HillenbrandHenley faculty authors:
Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Professor Kevin Money - Professor Abby GhobadianHenley faculty authors:
Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Professor Kevin Money - Professor Abby GhobadianHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Abby Ghobadian - Professor Kevin Money - Professor Carola HillenbrandHenley faculty authors:
Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Professor Kevin Money - Professor Abby GhobadianHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Emerita Susan Rose - Professor Carola Hillenbrand - Professor Kevin MoneyHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin Money - Professor Emerita Susan Rose - Professor Carola HillenbrandHenley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin Money - Professor Emerita Susan Rose - Professor Carola HillenbrandPast Events
Most recent news & media
A Review of Current Practice and Future Directions for Evaluation within and across the Government Communication Service -
- Relationships
- Reputation
- Leadership
- Identity
- Communication
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