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Professor Maksim Belitski

Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Director of Henley Centre for Entrepreneurship
Co-Founder of the Digital Leadership Forum at Henley
Fellow, UK HEA

Maks Belitski Staff Photo


  • Entrepreneurship Activity and Market Entry, 
  • Knowledge Management and Innovation, 
  • Institutions and Entrepreneurship, 
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, 
  • Academic and Female Entrepreneurship


Edith Morley building room 264, Whiteknights campus

Professor Maksim Belitski is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Henley Business School and the Director of Henley Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Maksim is an expert in entrepreneurship and innovation research at micro-, meso- and macro-levels. His research interests lie in the area of entrepreneurship, self-employment, market entry, firm innovation and regional economics, with a particular focus on entrepreneurial ecosystems and the knowledge spillover of innovation.

Prior to joining Henley Business School, Maksim was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University Bloomington (USA) and a Contract Professor of Econometrics at the University of Bolzano (Italy). Previously he has held appointments at Loughborough University, University College London, the University of Leicester, the University of Economics Bratislava (Slovakia) and the Belarusian State University (Belarus).

Maksim holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Leicester and another PhD in Economics from the University of Milan, Italy. He is a 'Trusted' researcher and has worked with microfoundations data from the UK Secure Data Service and Office of National Statistics since 2011.

Teaching on undergraduate, postgraduate, executive education and Levy programmes, Maksim is also the module convener for Financing for Entrepreneurship, Advances in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and Food Recombination. Maksim is an editor of the Small Business Economic Journal and a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal.

Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Herzig, M. (2025) The jazz jam session improvisation model of stakeholder engagement in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Small Business Management. ISSN 1540-627X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R., Chowdhury, F. and Menter, M. (2023) Entrepreneurial growth, value creation and new technologies. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48 (5). pp. 1535-1551. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Aronica, M., Belitski, M. and Piacentino, D. (2024) Natural selection or strategic adaptation? Entrepreneurial digital technologies and survival of the species. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 49 (5). pp. 1631-1659. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Meurer, M. M., Belitski, M. , Fisch, C. and Thurik, R. (2024) What gets published and what doesn’t? Exploring optimal distinctiveness and diverse expectations in entrepreneurship articles. Small Business Economics, 63 (3). pp. 1139-1170. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Chowdhury, F. (2024) Knowledge investment and search for innovation: evidence from the UK firms. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 49 (4). pp. 1387-1410. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Shakiba, H. and Belitski, M. (2024) A game theory analysis of regional innovation ecosystems. The Journal of Technology Transfer. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2024) Knowledge collaboration, firm productivity and innovation: a critical assessment. Journal of Business Research, 172. 114412. ISSN 1873-7978 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2024) Filtering or facilitating productive entrepreneurship? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 206. 123497. ISSN 1873-5509 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Caiazza, R. (2025) Knowledge spillovers or R&D collaboration? Understanding the role of external knowledge for firm innovation. R&D Management, 55 (2). pp. 531-553. ISSN 1467-9310 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Sikorski, J. (2024) Three steps for universities to become entrepreneurial: a case study of entrepreneurial process and dynamic capabilities. The Journal of Technology Transfer. ISSN 0892-9912 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Scarra, D. (2024) Intrapreneurship activity and access to finance in natural science: evidence from the UK academic spinoffs. Technovation, 129. 102888. ISSN 1879-2383 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Oliveira, F. G. D. , Belitski, M. , Kakabadse, N. and Theodorakopoulos, N. (2024) Unveiling the potential of digital human avatars in modern marketing strategies. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Fabio Goncalves de Oliveira - Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Nada Korac Kakabadse
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Spadavecchia, A. and Zahra, S. A. (2024) The more, the merrier or the less is more? The role of firm capabilities and industry in the knowledge spillover of innovation. Technovation, 138. 103115. ISSN 1879-2383 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Chowdhury, F. and Desai, S. (2024) Regulating entrepreneurship quality and quantity. Research Policy, 53 (2). 104942. ISSN 0048-7333 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Pomerlyan, E. and Belitski, M. (2023) Integration - growth relationship: a literature review and future research agenda using a TCCM approach. European Management Journal, 41 (6). pp. 1106-1118. ISSN 1873-5681 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2023) Digitalization, resource mobilization and firm growth in emerging industries. British Journal of Management. ISSN 1467-8551 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Delgado-Márquez, B. L. and Pedauga, L. E. (2023) Your innovation or mine? The effects of partner diversity on product and process innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management. ISSN 1540-5885 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Tsareva, Y. and Zemtsov, S. (2023) Geography and persistence of entrepreneurship in Russia. Regional Studies. ISSN 1360-0591 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2023) Geography of knowledge collaboration and innovation in Schumpeterian firms. Regional Studies. ISSN 1360-0591 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Siegel, D. (2023) Effects of open innovation in startups: theory and evidence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194. 122694. ISSN 0040-1625 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D., Belitski, M. and Brush, C. (2023) How to secure an innovation grant for firms in new industries? Gender and resource perspectives. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. ISSN 1355-2554 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Phan, P. (2023) Collaboration strategies and SME innovation performance. Journal of Business Research, 164. 114018. ISSN 1873-7978 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Medase, S. K., Ahali, A. Y. and Belitski, M. (2023) Natural resources, quality of institutions and entrepreneurship activity. Resources Policy, 83. 103592. ISSN 1873-7641 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Martin, J., Stettler, T. and Wales, W. (2023) Organizational scaling: the role of knowledge spillovers in driving multinational enterprise persistent rapid growth. Journal of World Business, 58 (5). 101461. ISSN 1878-5573 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Eichler, G. M. and Schwarz, E. (2024) Entrepreneurial ecosystems, institutional quality, and the unexpected role of the sustainability orientation of entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics, 62 (2). pp. 503-522. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Guerrero, M. (2023) Sustainable orientation management and institutional quality: looking into European entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems. Technovation, 124. 102742. ISSN 1879-2383 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Sohail, K., Belitski, M. and Christiansen, L. C. (2023) Developing business incubation process frameworks: a systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, 162. 113902. ISSN 1873-7978 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Cherkas, N. and Khlystova, O. (2022) Entrepreneurial ecosystems in conflict regions: evidence from Ukraine. Annals of Regional Sciences. ISSN 1432-0592 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Dr Olena Khlystova
Reference: Pomerlyan, E. and Belitski, M. (2023) Regional integration and economic performance: evidence from the Eurasian Economic Union. Eurasian Geography and Economics. pp. 1-29. ISSN 1938-2863 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Guerrero, M. and Siegel, D. S. (2022) Assessing the impact of the UK’s research excellence framework on the relationship between university scholarly output and education and regional economic growth. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 21 (3). pp. 394-421. ISSN 1537-260X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Stettler, T., Wales, W. and Martin, J. (2023) Speed and scaling: an investigation of accelerated firm growth. Journal of Management Studies, 60 (3). pp. 639-687. ISSN 1467-6486 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Zemtsov, S., Tsareva, Y., Barinova, V. A., Belitski, M. and Krasnoselskikh, A. N. (2022) Small business in Russia: institutions, market potential, taxes and digitalization. Post-Communist Economies, 34 (8). pp. 1029-1053. ISSN 1463-1377 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Khlystova, O. , Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Belitski, M. (2022) Towards the regional aspects of institutional trust and entrepreneurial ecosystems. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. ISSN 1355-2554 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Olena Khlystova - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2023) Evaluating internal and external knowledge sources in firm innovation and productivity: an industry perspective. R&D Management, 53 (1). pp. 168-192. ISSN 1467-9310 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Guenther, C., Belitski, M. and Rejeb, N. (2023) Overcoming the ability-willingness paradox in small family firms’ collaborations. Small Business Economics, 60. pp. 1409-1429. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2022) The knowledge spillover of innovation. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31 (6). pp. 1329-1357. ISSN 1464-3650 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Mariani, M. M. and Belitski, M. (2023) The effect of coopetition intensity on first mover advantage and imitation in innovation-related coopetition: empirical evidence from UK firms. European Management Journal, 41 (5). pp. 779-791. ISSN 0263-2373 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Marcello Mariani - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D., Belitski, M. and Rejeb, N. (2013) Innovation in family firms: the Brittelstand. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29 (1). pp. 116-143. ISSN 1355-2554 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Radko, N., Belitski, M. and Kalyuzhnova, Y. (2023) Conceptualising the entrepreneurial university: the stakeholder approach. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48. pp. 955-1044. ISSN 0892-9912 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova
Reference: Belitski, M. and Rejeb, N. (2022) Does open customer innovation model hold for family firms? Journal of Business Research, 145. pp. 334-346. ISSN 0148-2963 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, B. D. and Belitski, M. (2023) The limits to open innovation and its impact on innovation performance. Technovation, 119. 102519. ISSN 0166-4972 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Chowdhury, F. and Desai, S. (2022) CEO gender, institutional context and firm exports. International Business Review, 31 (5). 102008. ISSN 0969-5931 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Mariani, M. (2023) The effect of knowledge collaboration on business model reconfiguration. European Management Journal, 41 (2). pp. 223-235. ISSN 0263-2373 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Marcello Mariani
Reference: Belitski, M. , Guenther, C. and Khachlouf, N. (2021) The ability-willingness paradox of small family firms to collaborate for innovation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1). 12520. ISSN 2151-6561 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Guerrero, M. (2022) The dynamic contribution of innovation ecosystems to schumpeterian firms: a multi-level analysis. Journal of Business Research, 144. pp. 975-986. ISSN 0148-2963 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Korosteleva, J. and Piscitello, L. (2023) Digital affordances and entrepreneurial dynamics: new evidence from European regions. Technovation, 119. 102442. ISSN 0166-4972 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Ahali, A. Y., Kalyuzhnova, Y. , Belitski, M. and Pichov, O. (2021) Fostering an economic linkage between indigenous Ghanaian firms and local content policy implementation: a critical review. International Trends Journal. ISSN 1811-2773 doi: (In Press)
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Herzig, M. (2023) Improvisation and innovation in teams: the jazz effect. British Journal of Management, 34 (1). pp. 150-170. ISSN 1467-8551 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Kalyuzhnova, Y. , Azhgaliyeva, D. and Belitski, M. (2022) Public policy instruments for procurement: an empirical analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 176. 121472. ISSN 0040-1625 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Chowdhury, F. and Desai, S. (2021) Home-country export regulations, credit markets, and corruption: implications for different types of internationalization. Transnational Corporations, 28 (2). ISSN 1014-9562
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Khlystova, O. , Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Belitski, M. (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the creative industries: a literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 139. pp. 1192-1210. ISSN 0148-2963 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Olena Khlystova - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Grigore, A.-M. (2022) The economic effects of politically connected entrepreneurs on the quality and rate of regional entrepreneurship. European Planning Studies, 30 (10). pp. 1892-1918. ISSN 1469-5944 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Desai, S. (2022) The role of institutions in latent and emergent entrepreneurship. Technical Forecasting and Social Change, 174. 121263. ISSN 0040-1625 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2022) Success factors of initial coin offerings. Journal of Technology Transfer, 47. pp. 1690-1706. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Guenther, C., Kritikos, A. S. and Thurik, R. (2022) Economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurship and small businesses. Small Business Economics, 58. pp. 593-609. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Chowdhury, F. and Desai, S. (2022) Necessity or opportunity? Government size, tax policy, corruption, and implications for entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 58. pp. 2025-2042. ISSN 0921-898X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2022) A strategic alignment framework for the entrepreneurial university. Industry and Innovation, 29 (2). pp. 285-309. ISSN 1366-2716 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2021) Frank Knight, uncertainty and knowledge spillover entrepreneurship. Journal of Institutional Economics, 17 (6). pp. 1005-1031. ISSN 1744-1374 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Grigore, A.-M. and Bratu, A. (2021) Political entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship ecosystem perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17. pp. 1973-2004. ISSN 1555-1938 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Cherkas, N. (2021) Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: the role of institutions. PLOS ONE, 16 (3). e0247609. ISSN 1932-6203 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2021) Three-ring entrepreneurial university: in search for a new business model. Studies in Higher Education, 46 (5). pp. 977-987. ISSN 0307-5079 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2021) Knowledge complexity and firm performance: evidence from the European SMEs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25 (4). pp. 693-713. ISSN 1367-3270 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Caiazza, R. (2021) Start-ups, innovation and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46. pp. 1995-2016. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Desai, S. and Godley, A. (2021) Small business and poverty: evidence from post-Soviet cities. Regional Studies, 55 (5). pp. 921-935. ISSN 1360-0591 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2021) Towards an entrepreneurial ecosystem typology for regional economic development: the role of creative class and entrepreneurship. Regional Studies, 55 (4). pp. 735-756. ISSN 0034-3404 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Büyükbalci, P. (2021) Uncharted waters of the entrepreneurial ecosystems research: comparing Greater Istanbul and Reading ecosystems. Growth and Change, 52 (2). pp. 727-750. ISSN 1468-2257 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Brush, C. (2022) Innovation in women-led firms: an empirical analysis. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 31 (1-2). pp. 90-110. ISSN 1476-8364 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Lehmann, E. E. (2020) Knowledge management and entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16 (2). pp. 373-385. ISSN 1555-1938 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Godley, A. (2020) The synergy approach to understand entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem taxonomy. In: Tsvetkova, A., Schmutzler, J. and Pugh, R. (eds.) Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Meet Innovation Systems: Synergies, Policy Lessons and Overlooked Dimensions. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781789901177
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Eicher, G. (2020) Bilingualism and regional entrepreneurship. Annals of Regional Science, 65. pp. 787-806. ISSN 1432-0592 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2019) Building stronger research communities and collaboration between established and young scholars. In: Lehmann, E. E. and Keilbach, M. (eds.) From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship. Springer, pp. 413-419. ISBN 9783030252366 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2021) Female ownership, firm age and firm growth: a study of South Asian firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38 (3). pp. 825-855. ISSN 1572-9958 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Aginskaya, H. (2018) Defining academic spinoffs and entrepreneurial university. In: Presse, A. and Terzidis, O. (eds.) Technology Entrepreneurship. FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Springer, pp. 211-223. ISBN 9783319735092 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Rodionova, Y. (2020) Investment in training and skills for innovation in entrepreneurial start-ups and incumbents: evidence from the United Kingdom. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16 (2). pp. 617-640. ISSN 1555-1938 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2020) The role of R&D and knowledge spillovers in innovation and productivity. European Economic Review, 123. 103391. ISSN 0014-2921 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2019) Innovation in Schumpeterian-type firms: Knowledge collaboration or knowledge spillover? Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 15 (3-4). pp. 368-390. ISSN 1551-3114 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Caiazza, R. and Lehmann, E. E. (2021) Knowledge frontiers and boundaries in entrepreneurship research. Small Business Economics, 56 (2). pp. 521-531. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2019) The limits to collaboration across four of the most innovative UK industries. British Journal of Management, 00. pp. 1-26. ISSN 1467-8551 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Korosteleva, J. (2021) Cultural diversity and knowledge in explaining entrepreneurship in European cities. Small Business Economics, 56 (2). pp. 593-611. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Caizza, R., Belitski, M. and Audretsch, D. B. (2020) From the latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the knowledge spillover construction circle. Journal of Technology Transfer, 45 (3). pp. 694-704. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Khalil, S. (2020) Dynamic capabilities for firm performance under the information technology governance framework. European Business Review, 32 (2). pp. 129-157. ISSN 0955-534X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Belitski, M. (2019) The impact of corruption and local content policy in on firm performance: evidence from Kazakhstan. Resources Policy, 61. pp. 67-76. ISSN 0301-4207 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Liversage, B. (2019) E-Leadership in small and medium-sized enterprises in the developing world. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9 (1). pp. 64-74. ISSN 1927-0321 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Azhgaliyeva, D., Belitski, M. , Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Romanov, M. (2018) Policy instruments for renewable energy: an empirical evaluation of effectiveness. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 12 (1). pp. 24-48. ISSN 1740-2840 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova
Reference: Belitski, M. , Aginskaja, A. and Marozau, R. (2019) Commercializing university research in transition economies: technology transfer offices or direct industrial funding? Research Policy, 48 (3). pp. 601-615. ISSN 0048-7333 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Fernandez, V., Khalil, S., Li, W. (V.) and Liu, K. (2018) Exploring the cloud computing loop in the strategic alignment model. In: Liu, K. , Nakata, K. , Li, W. (V.) and Baranauskas, C. (eds.) Digitalisation, Innovation, and Transformation. Springer, pp. 117-124. ISBN 9783319945415 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu
Reference: Chowdhury, F., Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2018) Institutions and entrepreneurship quality. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43 (1). pp. 51-81. ISSN 1540-6520 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2018) National business regulations and city entrepreneurship in Europe: a multilevel nested analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. ISSN 1540-6520 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2017) Why firms eco-innovate. In: Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Pomfret, R. (eds.) Sustainable Energy in Kazakhstan. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781351972666 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Kalyuzhnova, Y. and Azhgaliyeva, D. (2017) The role of alliances in leveraging national local content policies for firm competitiveness. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, 6 (1/2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1756-6452 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova
Reference: Belitski, M. and Herzig, M. (2018) The jam session model for group creativity and innovative technology. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 43 (2). pp. 506-521. ISSN 0892-9912 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Heron, K. (2017) Expanding entrepreneurship education ecosystems. Journal of Management Development, 36 (2). pp. 163-177. ISSN 0262-1711 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Keith Heron
Reference: Li, W. , Liu, K. , Tang, Y. and Belitski, M. (2017) E-leadership for SMEs in the digital age. In: Ellermann, H., Kreutter, P. and Messner, W. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Continuous Business Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-416. ISBN 9781137602275
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu - Professor Yinshan Tang - Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Azhgaliyeva, D. , Belitski, M. , Jumasseitova, A. and Kalyuzhnova, Y. (2017) The impact of government-sponsored education abroad on entrepreneurship: case study Bolashak scholarship. Human Capital and Professional Education, 1 (21). pp. 37-47. ISSN 2226-9177
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2017) Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: establishing the framework conditions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42 (5). pp. 1030-1051. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. , Chowdhury, F. and Desai, S. (2016) Taxes, corruption, and entry. Small Business Economics, 47 (1). pp. 201-216. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Li, W. , Liu, K. , Belitski, M. , Ghobadian, A. and O'Regan, N. (2016) e-Leadership through strategic alignment: an empirical study of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the digital age. Journal of Information Technology, 31 (2). pp. 185-206. ISSN 0268-3962 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu - Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Abby Ghobadian
Reference: Belitski, M. , Li, W. (V.) and Liu, K. (2015) E-leadership in organisations: facilitating IT-business alignment for innovation and high-growth. In: The 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), May 26th 2015, Münster, Germany.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski - Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li - Professor Kecheng Liu
Reference: Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2016) Creativity, entrepreneurship and economic development: city-level evidence on creativity spillover of entrepreneurship. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41 (6). pp. 1354-1376. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Korosteleva, J. and Belitski, M. (2017) Entrepreneurial dynamics and higher education institutions in the post-communist world. Regional Studies, 51 (3). pp. 439-453. ISSN 0034-3404 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Delgado-Marquez, B. L., Belitski, M. and Delgado, L. (2013) The role of individual’s social networks density on their transfer of trust behaviours and expectations: a social capital approach. In: Gefen, D. (ed.) Psychology of trust: new research. Psychology of emotions, motivations and actions. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 305-324. ISBN 9781628085525
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2008) International Trade and Growth: Meta-analysis of Research 1970s-2000. Journal of International Law and International Relations, 3. ISSN 2072-0521
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Péliová, J. (2009) Analysis of Ad-hoc Monetary Shocks in Central and Eastern Europe. New Economy, 2.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. (2006) Cross-border Labour Markets: Methodology, Features of Formation and Problems of Development. Journal of International Law and International Relations. ISSN 2072-0521
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2015) Creativity spillover of entrepreneurship: evidence from european cities. In: Karlsson, C., Grasjo, U. and Wixe, S. (eds.) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization. Edward Elgar, pp. 141-161. ISBN 9781783477319
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. and Belitski, M. (2015) Creativity filter and start-ups to resolve the innovation paradox. In: Liu, K. , Nakata, K. and Galarreta, D. (eds.) Information and Knowledge management in Complex Systems. Springer, pp. 195-203. ISBN 9783319162744
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Korosteleva, J. (2010) Entrepreneurial activity across European cities. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 30 (4). 12.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Peliova, J. (2011) Output sustainability to exogenous and endogenous shocks: evidence from emerging economies. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 3 (3). p. 255. ISSN 1756-5812 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Korosteleva, J. (2011) Entrepreneurship and cities: evidence from the post-communist world. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 31 (4). 3.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B. and Belitski, M. (2013) The missing pillar: the creativity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 41 (4). pp. 819-836. ISSN 1573-0913 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Audretsch, D. B., Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2015) Entrepreneurship and economic development in cities. Annals of Regional Sciences, 55 (1). pp. 33-60. ISSN 1432-0592 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Belitski, M. and Desai, S. (2016) What drives ICT clustering in European Cities? Journal of Technology Transfer, 41 (3). pp. 430-450. ISSN 1573-7047 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski
Reference: Chowdhury, F., Audretsch, B. and Belitski, M. (2015) Does corruption matter for international entrepreneurship? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11 (4). pp. 959-980. ISSN 1555-1938 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Maksim Belitski

Advances in Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice

This module introduces students to the scholarly literature on entrepreneurship and its recent advances. It shows how theoretical developments have practical applications and so assists students to appraise the increasingly...

Module code: MMM168

Financing Entrepreneurship

Why do entrepreneurs often fail to enter a market? Entrepreneur with innovative products often find access to finance and sharing equity problematic....

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