Professor Jean-Anne Stewart
Professor of Leadership Development
Programme Director, MA Leadership
Programme Director for the Apprenticeship Levy in Management
Senior Fellow, UK HEA
- Leadership,
- Leadership Development,
- Facilitation,
- Action and Virtual Action Learning,
- Small and Medium Sized Entreprises
Professor Jean-Anne Stewart is a Professor of Leadership Development at Henley Business School.
Jean-Anne has over 14 years' experience of research and teaching at Henley Business School and is Programme Director for the MA Leadership programme, launched in June 2016 following extensive research into leadership, leadership development and management learning. She is also responsible for corporate global MBA qualification programmes for a variety of international clients, most recently with Deloitte. She designs, develops and delivers programmes and modules, specialising in leadership, facilitation, action learning, project management, change management and leadership development. Jean-Anne has led several European and UK research projects, particularly focused on leadership, action learning, SMEs, third sector leadership, management learning, technology-enabled learning, leadership development and evaluation.
Prior to joining Henley Business School, Jean-Anne gained over 20 years business experience, focused on implementing complex international IT and business change programmes. The most recent was at British Airways, where she was responsible for developing their internal facilitation, leadership, project management and change capability.
Her current research interests are responsible leadership, collaboratories, leadership and management across generations, evaluation of action learning and virtual action learning for leadership development.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartHenley faculty authors:
Professor Jean-Anne StewartUnderstanding Leadership
This module introduces leadership concepts to those wishing to gain a deeper understanding of leadership models and concepts. There is no prior requirement for leadership knowledge and experience, as this...
Neuroscience of leadership coaching
This module aims to: Provide a thorough underpinning of understanding on the foundations of neuroscience and leadership behaviour Give examples of leadership coaching case studies, with neuroscience commentary illustrating how...
Facilitation for leaders
This module aims to: Develop the capability of individuals to plan, manage and reflect on their facilitation interventions Encourage development of behavioural skills in individuals to increase the effectiveness and...
Personal leadership development
This module aims to:Develop the capability of individuals to plan, manage and reflect on their individual personal leadership development Encourage development of behavioural skills in individuals to increase the effectiveness...
Most recent news & media
Stewart, J.A. (2017), 'Innovative Techniques to Develop Leadership Practice: Strategic Leadership Marketplace', International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference 2017, Brussels.
Stewart, J.A., (2016), 'A Study of Leaders currently on a MA Leadership programme at a UK business school', International Studying Leadership Conference, Edinburgh, December 2016.
Stewart, J.A., (2016), 'A Pilot Project to Explore Responsible Leadership in UK Business Schools', presented at UN PRME UK Conference, Nottingham, June 2016.
Stewart, J.A. and Pedler, M., (2016), 'Developing Leadership Capacity through Action Learning', International Action Learning (IAL) Conference, Ashridge, April 2016.
Stewart, J.A. and Cho, Y. (2016), 'Action Learning to Develop Inclusive Leadership Capability: Lessons from South Korea and the UK', International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference 2016, Atlanta.
Stewart, J.A., Gosling, J., Foster-Pedley, J., Kempster, S. Murphy, A., Thurloway, L. and Blakeley, K. (2015), 'BAM Responsible Leadership Collaboratory' pre-conference half-day workshop presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference 2015, Barcelona.
Stewart, J.A., Murphy, A. and Keevill, J. (2015), 'Action Learning to Develop Multi-generational International Leaders' paper presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference 2015, Barcelona.
Stewart, J.A., Kempster, S., Murray, A., Alexander, A. and Blakeley, K., (2015), 'Responsible Leadership Collaboratory' professional development half-day workshop for BAM 2015, Portsmouth.
Stewart, J.A. (2015), 'Action Learning programme to develop International Business Leaders' paper presented at the International Action Learning Conference, Cambridge, March 2015.
Stewart, J.A. Simister, S. and Thurloway, L. (2014), 'The Development of the Henley Business School MA Leadership programme' paper presented at PRME 2014 Annual Conference UK and Ireland, Winchester.
Stewart, J.A. (2014), 'Action Learning to develop International Generation Y Leaders' paper for the International Action Learning Conference, Ashridge, April 2014.
Stewart J.A. and Thurloway L (2013), 'Innovative Leadership Programmes to Develop Resilient Generation Y Leaders' Workshop for the International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Stewart, J.A. and Thurloway, L. (2013), 'Leading Generation Y – Exploring Myths and Reality' – paper presented at BAM 2013, Liverpool.
Stewart J.A. and Thurloway L (2012), 'Action Learning for Leadership Development across Generations: Reflections from the Titanic' Workshop for the International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Stewart, J.A. and Thurloway, L. (2012), 'Is Generation Y Really Different? A Critical Evaluation of the Generation Y Literature' – paper presented at BAM 2012.
Stewart, J.A. and Thurloway, L. (2012), Leadership across Generations - a facilitated workshop exploring the challenges of developing Generation Y leaders in multi-generational organisations – paper presented at BAM 2012.
Stewart, J.A. and Thurloway, L. (2012), 'Exploring Challenges of Leadership Development across Generations through Facilitated Action Learning'– workshop presented at ILA Europe, ESMT, Berlin.
Stewart, J.A. (2011), 'Action Learning and Virtual Action Learning for Leadership Development' – paper presented at the International Leadership Association Conference, London.
Stewart, J.A. (2011), 'Towards a Model of Facilitative Leadership' – paper presented at BAM 2011.
Stewart, J.A. and Thurloway, L. (2011), 'Leadership across Generations – exploring the challenges of leadership in a multi-generational organisation' – paper presented at BAM 2011.
Stewart, J.A. (2010), 'Facilitative Leadership, Facilitation and Facipulation – A study exploring facilitative leadership skills development' – paper presented at BAM 2010.
Stewart, J.A. (2010), 'A Blended Action Learning Programme to Develop Facilitation Skills of Leaders in European Organisations' – The International Action Learning (IAL) Conference, Henley, March.
Stewart, J.A. (2009), 'Facilitative Leadership - Abdication of responsibility or an empowering democracy?' – paper presented at BAM 2009.
Thurloway, L. and Stewart, J.A. (2009), 'What is new or different about Generation Y?' – paper presented at BAM 2009.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'Leadership Development for Third Sector Leaders in the health and social care sector' full paper presented at BAM 2008.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'A Blended Action Learning Programme to Develop Cross Cultural Skills for SME Leaders' – development paper presented at BAM 2008.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'Developing and Evaluating an Action Learning Programme for SME Leadership Development' - paper presented at Action Learning Conference, March 2008.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'Leadership Development for Third Sector Leaders in the health and social care sector' – paper presented at National Third Sector Leadership Conference, Nottingham, March 2008.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'SEEDA Leadership Innovation Diagnostic', presented at SEEDA Leadership Academy, Henley Management College, February, 2008.
Stewart, J.A. (2008), 'Action Learning for SME Leadership Development', presented at SEEDA Leadership Academy, Henley Management College, February, 2008.
Stewart, J.A and Favato, G. (2007), 'Compliance in the supply chain: the present and future implications of Sarbanes-Oxley for UK businesses' – paper presented at Corporate Board Governance Conference, Henley Management College, October 2007.
Stewart, J.A. (2007), 'Facilitating Virtual Action Learning' – paper presented at ICEM/CARDET conference, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2007.
Stewart, J.A. (2006), 'The High-Performing Group Facilitator' – paper and workshop at International Association of Facilitators European conference, Stockholm, 2006.
Stewart, J.A. and Alexander, G. (2006), 'Engaging SMEs in E-learning' paper presented to Networked Learning Conference, at University of Lancaster, April 2006.
Stewart, J.A (2006), 'Virtual Action Learning for SME Leadership Development' PALETTE Conference, Crete September 2006.
Stewart, J.A. and Alexander, G. (2005), 'Engaging SMEs in E-learning' paper presented to eLearnAccredit conference at Said Business School, University of Oxford, June 2005.
- Leadership
- Leadership Development
- Facilitation
- Action and Virtual Action Learning
- Small and Medium Sized Entreprises
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