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Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez

Lecturer in Marketing and Sustainability

Programme Director BSc Business and Management (Marketing)

Irene Garnelo Gomez Profile Pic Jun18 75iuglcob


  • Sustainable Behaviour, 
  • Pro-Social Behaviour, 
  • CSR, 
  • Social Marketing


Whiteknights and Greenlands Campuses

Irene is the Programme Director for the BSc in Business and Management (Marketing) and a Fellow of the HEA.

Irene is a member of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation. Her research interests include sustainable behaviour, pro-social behaviour, CSR and social marketing. She is involved in several research projects in these areas, and her research has been published in top journals, including the European Journal of Marketing. From 2020 to 2022, she was part of a six-country consortium working on an EIT Food project focused on increasing consumers’ levels of trust in the food supply chain, where she led part of the qualitative work conducted for the project.

Irene has presented her work at well-known marketing, management, sociology and psychology conferences, and at more specific events such as those organised by SCORAI (focused on sustainable consumption) and ESMA/WSM (focused on social marketing). She also co-chaired the 10th International Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group Conference (CIARG) and co-chaired the ‘Sustainability and Social Innovation’ stream at the International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Irene is the module convenor and lecturer for 'New Directions in Business and Corporate Social Responsibility' (UG) and ‘Marketing for a better, sustainable world’ (PG). She is also part of the teaching team for the Reputation and Responsibility module (MBA), delivering workshops and facilitating study trips nationally and internationally. Irene also supervises PhD students and UG and MSc dissertations.

Current PhD students:

  • Randa Diab. Research Topic: Stakeholder-defined Corporate Social Responsibility: A study investigating cultural implications on CSR in Kuwait.
  • Sarah Quinn. Research Topic: Power and trust within NGO-donor relationships.
  • Kenny Asawachatroj. Research Topic: Exploring minimalist emotions: A cross-cultural study in the United Kingdom and Thailand.

PhD students supervised to completion:

  • Christos Michael. Research Topic: Negative publicity in the age of social media: Examining the consumer-company relationship after a company faces negative publicity online. PhD awarded 31st of May 2022.
  • Tim Groves. Research Topic: An abductive investigation into good and bad cross-sector collaborations from a social sector perspective: The role of collaboration competency. PhD awarded 31st of January 2023.
  • Samuel Lawal. Research Topic: Investigating how different stakeholder perspective in organisational narrative communication influence individuals’ implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, intentions, and behaviours towards communicated issues. PhD awarded 31st of March 2023.

She completed a PhD in Management at Henley Business School, exploring the interplay between identity expression and motivational drives in sustainable living. She also holds a MSc in Sociology (University of Aberdeen) and a BSc in Marketing and Market Research (University of Leon, Spain).

Reference: Mitchell, S.-L. and Garnelo-Gomez, I. (2024) Choice, impact, fun, repeat! Exploring the current state and future opportunities of youth volunteering. In: Mitchell, S.-L. and Hyde, F. (eds.) The Future of Charity Marketing. Routledge. ISBN 9781032500713 (In Press)
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. and Money, K. (2024) Charity starts at home: understanding what drives children from economically disadvantaged communities to engage in social action. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. ISSN 1552-7395 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Professor Kevin Money
Reference: Saraeva, A. , Garnelo-Gomez, I. and Shamma, H. (2024) "Mind over heart?": exploring the influence of emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses to CSR in challenging times. Corporate Reputation Review. ISSN 1479-1889 (In Press)
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. (2022) Sustainable marketing: creating positive impact through experiential learning. In: Bustamante, S., Saltevo, E., Schmitz, M. and Martinovic, M. (eds.) Shaping a Sustainable Future: Innovative Teaching Practices for Educating Responsible Leaders. FHW Forschung (72). Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 71-86. ISBN 9783848785155
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Fernandez-Muinos, M., Money, K. , Saraeva, A. , Garnelo-Gomez, I. and Vazquez-Suarez, L. (2022) “The ladies are not for turning”: exploring how leader gender and industry sector influence the corporate social responsibility practices of franchise firms. Heliyon, 8 (11). e11930. ISSN 24058440 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin Money - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. , Money, K. and Littlewood, D. (2022) From holistically to accidentally sustainable: a study of motivations and identity expression in sustainable living. European Journal of Marketing, 56 (12). ISSN 0309-0566 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Professor Kevin Money
Reference: Fernández-Muiños, M., Money, K. , Saraeva, A. , Garnelo-Gomez, I. and Vázquez-Suárez, L. (2022) Are the sins of the father the sins of the sons, but not the daughters? Exploring how leadership gender and generation impact the corporate social responsibility of franchise firms. Sustainability, 14 (14). 8574. ISSN 2071-1050 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Kevin Money - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva - Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. , Money, K. and Littlewood, D. (2015) Understanding the Identity and Motivations of Sustainable Consumers. In: British Academy of Mangement Conference, 8 - 10 September 2015, Portsmouth, UK.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Professor Kevin Money
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. , Money, K. and Littlewood, D. (2019) “I Live Sustainably”: Exploring Sustainable Living Narratives Through Identity and Motivation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019, 9-13 August 2019, Boston, USA. doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Professor Kevin Money
Reference: Akbar, M. B., Garnelo-Gomez, I. , Ndupu, L., Barnes, E. and Foster, C. (2022) An analysis of social marketing practice: factors associated with success. Health marketing quarterly, 39 (4). pp. 356-376. ISSN 1545-0864 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. and Saraeva, A. (2019) Yes, we can! Encouraging responsible management through effective CSR communication. In: Farache, F., Grigore, G. , Stancu, A. and McQueen, D. (eds.) Responsible People: The Role of the Individual in CSR, Entrepreneurship and Management Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9783030107390
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez - Dr Anastasiya Saraeva
Reference: Garnelo-Gomez, I. (2017) 'I Live Sustainably': exploring sustainable narratives through the lens of identity expression and motivational drives. PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irene Garnelo-Gomez
Reference: Money, K. , Saraeva, A. , Garnelo-Gomez, I. , Pain, S. and Hillenbrand, C. (2017) Corporate reputation past and future: a review and integration of existing literature and a framework for future research. Corporate Reputation Review, 20 (3-4). pp. 193-211. ISSN 1479-1889 doi:

Marketing for a Better, Sustainable World

This module is designed to provide knowledge of the link between marketing and sustainability and how to evaluate and implement marketing strategies that promote sustainable products, services and behaviours. ...

Module code: MMM170

Marketing for a Better, Sustainable World

Social and environmental issues and challenges have led to the growth of marketing tools being applied with a sustainable purpose. As a result, organisations and governments are gradually starting to...

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New Directions in Business and Corporate Social Responsibility

There is growing recognition of the role business and market-based solutions can play in tackling complex ‘wicked’ global sustainable development challenges, including reducing poverty, protecting vulnerable ecosystems, and facing up...

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Most recent news & media

Older news & media

- 8th World Social Marketing Conference (WSMC), November 2023, Cali (Colombia).

- 20th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit & Social Marketing, September 2023, London (UK).

- 34th International Association for Business & Society (IABS) Conference, June 2023, Bath (UK).

- 14th International Social Innovation Research Conference, September 2022, Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada).

- 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference, September 2021, Milan & online

- 20th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), June 2021, online

- Keynote speaker at the 19th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), July 2020, online

- 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 2019, Boston (USA)

- 6th World Social Marketing Conference (WSMC), June 2019, Edinburgh (UK)

- 4th European Social Marketing Conference (ESMC), September 2018, Antwerp (Belgium)

- 2nd International Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI), June 2016, Orono, Maine (USA)

- 29th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management (BAM), September 2015, Portsmouth (UK)

- 12th European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, August 2015, Prague (Czech Republic)

- 2nd International Marketing Conference, University of Edinburgh Business School, December 2014, Edinburgh (UK)

- 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), July 2014, Paris (France).