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Dr Jon White

Visiting Professor Independent. Also Honorary Professor, Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies

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Jon White is a researcher and consultant working the areas of public relations, public affairs and corporate communication management. He has special interests in the part these practices play in decision-making, strategy development and implementation, and organisational effectiveness. He has over 30 years experience in practice, in North America, Europe and elsewhere in the world, in public and private sector organisations, from early experience with governments in Canada through to current experience providing consultancy and training services to the UK government and the European Commission.

He has written articles and books on public affairs, public relations and corporate communications practice, including How to Understand and Manage Public Relations and Strategic Communications Management: Making Public Relations Work, with Laura Mazur. He contributed to the agenda setting research programme and book Excellence in Public Relations and Communications Management as part of a research team led by Professor James Grunig of the University of Maryland. He has also written a number of management case studies (accessible through for teaching purposes on organisations such as Dunhill, Lloyds of London, and AEA Technology, and Chinese government agencies involved in dealing with the Sichuan earthquake (this case written in collaboration with Henley colleagues).

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations in the UK, contributing to practice development through the Institute’s research and development activities. A chartered psychologist, he holds a doctorate in psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science.