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Heeseo Rain Kwon

Research Fellow of Healthier Urban Development

Rain Website


  • Urban Development and Planning, 
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis, 
  • Behavioural Theories and Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)

Rain holds a PhD in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge. Her main research interests focus on the application of behavioural theories in agent-based modelling (ABM) in the context of urban development and planning.

Currently, Rain is a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant for a Medical Research Council UKPRP Project “Tackling the Root causes Upstream of Unhealthy Urban Development (TRUUD),” working with Professor Kathy Pain.

Rain’s PhD research focused on the application of behavioural theories in urban development and planning, dynamic simulation of urban change using agent-based modelling (ABM), GIS-based spatial analysis and land use-transport interaction (LUTI) modelling, and theory-driven and data-driven research in the era of big data analytics and smart cities. She worked in the Infrastructure Research Division, the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) as a researcher for three years before pursuing her postgraduate studies.


  • PhD in Land Economy, University of Cambridge
  • MPhil in Planning, Growth and Regeneration, University of Cambridge
  • BSc in Urban Planning, Design and Management, The Bartlett, University College London

Key Publications