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Dr Ana Graça

Lecturer in Leadership

Programme Director of the Executive MBA - Global
Fellow, UK HEA

Ana Graca Updated Photo


  • Collective Approaches to Leadership, 
  • Team Dynamics, 
  • Quantitative Methods, 
  • Longitudinal and Multilevel Approaches, 
  • Research Skills and Preparation for Final Projects/Dissertations


Engine House building room 519, Greenlands campus

Dr Ana Graça is a Lecturer in Leadership and Programme Director of the Executive MBA - Global at Henley Business School.

Ana is the module convener for the Research Skills/Management Research Challenge (final MBA projects/dissertations) and Leadership in Complexity and Change on the Senior Leader Apprenticeship programme. She is also a researcher on team leadership and team dynamics, supervises dissertations at PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc and BA levels across different programmes and countries and is co-coordinator of the MBA dissertations supervisors and moderators team.

In addition to being a contributing member of the Henley Centre for Leadership and the Advancement of Business Education Research, Ana is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her background is as an organisational psychologist, with experience in quality assessment in the public sector.

Ana's PhD and postdoctoral research is based on team leadership dynamics in different organisations. Her research has been published in academic journals such as the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Leadership and the Leadership and Organization Development Journal and presented at conferences such as the Academy of Management.

Reference: Soga, L. R. , Vogel, B. , Graca, A. and Osei-Frimpong, K. (2021) Web 2.0-enabled team relationships: an actor-network perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30 (5). pp. 639-652. ISSN 1464-0643 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Bernd Vogel - Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Vogel, B. , Graça, A. M. , Ahmadi, A. and Vlachou, M. , (2018) The impact of the Fulbright programme on participants’ leadership capacity. Technical Report. Fulbright
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Bernd Vogel - Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Marques-Quinteiro, P., Santos, C., Costa, P., Graca, A. , Maroco, J. and Rico, R. (2020) Team adaptability and task cohesion as resources to the nonlinear dynamics of workload and sickness absenteeism in firefighter teams. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29 (4). pp. 525-540. ISSN 1464-0643 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Edwards, G., Hubbard, R., Bryer, L., Vogel, B. and Graca, A. , (2018) Building engagement: encouraging leadership in construction. Report. CITB
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Bernd Vogel - Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Graca, A. (2014) The role of team leadership on the dynamics of teamwork: the role of context and time. PhD thesis, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon University Institute.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Graca, A. M. and Passos, A. M. (2012) The role of team leadership in Portuguese child protection teams. Leadership, 8 (2). pp. 125-143. ISSN 1742-7150 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Graca, A. M. and Passos, A. M. (2015) Team leadership across contexts: a qualitative study. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36 (5). pp. 489-511. ISSN 0143-7739 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ana Graça
Reference: Costa, P. L., Graca, A. M. , Marques-Quinteiro, P., Santos, C. M., Caetano, A. and Passos, A. M. (2013) Multilevel research in the field of organizational behavior: an empirical look at 10 years of theory and research. SAGE Open, 3 (3). ISSN 2158-2440 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ana Graça

Management Research Challenge

This is a project-based module, where you will investigate a significant management problem and produce a set of actionable solutions....

Module code: MNM3G014

Management Research Challenge

The Management Research Challenge (MRC) is a major project that offers the apprenticeship learner the opportunity to demonstrate practical research skills in identifying a significant organisational issue, problem or gap...

Management Research Challenge

The Management Research Challenge (MRC) is a major project that offers students the opportunity to demonstrate practical business research skills in identifying a significant organisational issue, problem or gap in...

Module code: MNM3MRC

Chaired Sessions

Spyridonidis, D., Vogel, B., and Graça, A. M (2015). Leadership translation issues: blending scholarly and practice lenses in leadership development. Co-Organiser of a Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Graça, A. M. (July, 2015). Chair of two parallel session at 7th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, Henley on Thames, UK.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. M. (May, 2015). Shaping team processes agenda: their antecedents and outcomes through a temporal lens. Symposium Chair at the 17th European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference, Oslo.

Presentations by Invitation

Graça, A. M. (January, 2015). Leadership to maximise day-to-day innovation in teams. Invited presentation at the research showcase Leading complex organisations: developing collective intelligence, Henley Forum for Organisational Learning and Knowledge Strategies.

Other Presentations

Graça, A.M., and Costa, P. (July, 2019). Leading virtually: Absence makes adaptation grow fonder? EAWOP Small Group Meeting "Teamworking Virtually: Business as usual?", Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal (Member of the Organising Committee)

Graça, A.M., and Costa, P. (May, 2019). Leading virtually: Absence makes adaptation grow fonder? EAWOP Conference, Turin, Italy.

Ikwuegbu, O.C, Vogel, B., and Graça, A.M. (August, 2017). Envisioning in Creative Collectives. Paper accepted at the Cognition In the Rough Paper Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, United States of America.

Ikwuegbu, O.C., Vogel, B., and Graça, A.M. (August, 2017). An Exploration of the Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Mechanisms Underpinning the Formation of a Collective Creative Vision. Paper accepted at the Navigating Qualitative Dissertations Workshop Session, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, United States of America.

Graça, A. M., Marques-Quinteiro, P., Costa, P., and Santos, C. (May, 2017). Breaking the Rules: Innovation as a Process for Adaptive Performance in Firefighters Teams. Presentation part of the Symposium "And… Action: Adaptation, Reflexivity, and Feedback in Action Teams". EAWOP Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Kenda, R., Vogel, B., Graça, A. M. and Hillenbrand, C. (May, 2017). The role of productive virtual team energy for 'people oriented' performance of virtual project teams. Presented at the Symposium Virtual collaboration: Requirements, collaboration mechanisms, leadership and performance in teams, EAWOP Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Vogel, B., Ahmadi, A., and Graça, A. M. (May, 2017). A temporal exploration of the impact of experience-based learning episodes on leadership development over time. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium - Leadership, Followership and Identity, Mykonos, Greece.

Graça, A. M., Vogel, B., and Passos, A. M. (2016). The boundary condition of shared leadership in linking negative team affective climate to team viability through team exploring-experimenting behaviors. Presented at the INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Graça, A. M., Vogel, B., and Passos, A. M. (2016). The boundary condition of shared leadership in linking negative team affective climate to team viability through team exploring-experimenting behaviours. Presented at the INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Graça, A. M., Vogel, B., and Passos, A. M. (2015). ’We would like to be innovative but how to make it happen within our daily obligations?’: exploring leadership and teams as nucleus for day-to-day innovation. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, Henley on Thames, UK.

Ikwuegbu, O.C., Vogel, B., and Graça, A.M. (2015). “Shaping Collective Vision”, 7th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, Henley on Thames, UK.

Graca, A. M., Vogel, B., and Passos, A. M. (May, 2015). What I/we do is all about innovation. Sources of leadership and creativity-innovation in teams: underlying processes in a multilevel and temporal lens. Presented at the 17th EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Ahmadi, A. Batistic, Graça, A. M., Kenda, R. and Vogel, B. (May, 2015). “Beware of the dark side”: the impact of destructive collective leadership on affective team climate and creativity-innovation. Presented at the 17th EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Graca, A. M., Vogel, B., and Passos, A. M. (2014). Multilevel approach to leadership, innovation and creativity. Review and debates. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Meeting, Belfast, United Kingdom.

Soga, L. R., Vogel, B., and Graça, A. M., and Passos, A. M. (2014). Leaders as heterogeneous networks: An actor-network perspective. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Meeting, Belfast, United Kingdom.

Graça, A. M. and Vogel, B. (July, 2014). Leadership conceptualizations on the dual focus of innovation and creativity: underlying mechanisms and a temporal lens. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2013, May). "Testing the validity of the Team Leadership Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample of leaders from Small and Medium Size enterprises (SMEs). A suitable instrument?" Poster presented at the 16th EAWOP Conference in Münster, Germany.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2013, September). As time goes by: a longitudinal study about the role of team leadership on team action processes. Presented at British Academy of Management 2013 Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Graça, A.M. and Passos, A. (2013, June). Teste à validade do Team leadership Questionnaire numa amostra de Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) portuguesas. Um instrumento adequado? [Test to the validity of the Team Leadership Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample of leaders from Small and Medium Size enterprises (SMEs). A suitable instrument?]. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro [VIII National Symposium of Psychology, University of Aveiro], Portugal.

Graça, A.M. and Passos, A. (2013, June). No início é que está a virtude: um estudo longitudinal sobre o papel da liderança de equipas nos processos de acçao da equipa [The virtue is in the beginning: a longitudinal study about the role of team leadership on tem action processes] VIII Simpósio Nacional de Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro [VIII National Symposium of Psychology, University of Aveiro], Portugal.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2013, May). As time goes by: a longitudinal study about the role of team leadership on team action processes. Presented at 16th EAWOP Conference, Münster, Germany.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2013, May). Testing the validity of the Team Leadership Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample of leaders from Small and Medium Size enterprises (SMEs). A suitable instrument? Poster Presented at the 16th EAWOP Conference, Münster, Germany.

Graça, A. M., and Passos, A. M. (2012, September) Teste à validade do Team leadership Questionnaire numa amostra de Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) portuguesas. Um instrumento adequado? [Test to the validity of the Team Leadership Questionnaire in a Portuguese sample of leaders from Small and Medium Size enterprises (SMEs). A suitable instrument?], VII Simpósio sobre Comportamento Organizacional, [VII Symposium about Organisational Behaviour], ISCTE-IUL, Portugal.

Graça, A. M., and Passos, A.M. (2012, September) A liderança ao longo do tempo: o papel da liderança de equipas nos processos e desempenho das equipas [Leadership over time: the role of team leadership on team processes and performance], VII Simpósio sobre Comportamento Organizacional [VII Symposium about Organisational Behaviour], ISCTE-IUL, Portugal.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2012, August). Team leadership over time: The role of leadership on episodic team processes and team effectiveness. Presented at the 3rd EAWOP Early Career Summer School, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

Graça, A. M. and Passos, A. (2012, August). Are there differences on team leadership across contexts? A qualitative study. Presented at the 2012 Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA., USA.

Graça, A. M., and Passos, A. (2011, May). Leadership over time: understanding the role of team leadership on episodic team processes and effectiveness. Presented at the 15th EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Graça, A. M., and Passos, A. (2011, May). Context and Team Leadership: a qualitative study. Presented at the 15th EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Graça, A.M., and Passos, A. (2011, February). Team leadership over time: The role of leadership on episodic team processes and team effectiveness. Presented at EAWOP Small Group Meeting “Time and Change in teams”, Chemnitz, Germany.

Graça, A. M., and Passos, A. (2009, May). Team Leadership in Child Protection Teams. Presented at 14th European Congress of Work and Organisational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.