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Henley celebrates Bracknell’s 75th birthday

BFC Community Emma Victor

On Saturday 22 June 2024, Henley Business School academics Dr Emma Street and Victor Nicholls were invited to take part in Bracknell’s Culture and Community Day, which celebrated 75 years since the formal designation of Bracknell New Town.

Emma and Victor have been researching the regeneration of Bracknell town centre since 2015 and published a definitive history of the town’s transformation. After researching investor issues, planning, and development processes, Emma and Victor are now exploring community perceptions of the regenerated town centre. The growing body of New Town regeneration research will be particularly valuable given the renewed interest a fresh wave of New Towns to help meet the country’s housing needs.

Victor Nicholls

Lecturer in Development and Planning

Emma Street

Associate Professor of Urban Policy and Governance
Published 2 July 2024
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