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Guardian University Guide 2024

Henley Business School WK

Henley Business School’s subjects have all been ranked within the top 25 in the Guardian newspaper’s guide to the best UK universities 2024. The University of Reading also improved 17 places to achieve a top 50 place in the UK (no.44).

Our Business and Management subjects rose eight places to no.16, while Construction, Survey and Planning subjects rose three places to no.20.

Henley graduate career prospects were ranked highly across the board, all subjects scoring within the top 20 with over 86-96% of our graduates in employment or further study. Two subjects in particular feature in the top 10with our Construction, Surveying and Planning subjects placing first in the UK and Business and Management at no.8.

The quality of our teaching saw our students secure strong degree results, with Business and Management improving 21 places, and Accounting and Finance also increasing in the value added measure.

Dr Andrew Hull, Head of Undergraduate Programmes at Henley Business School said:

“It is great to see that our focus on programme innovation and preparing our students for the world of work is reflected in the metrics which make up the rankings. I am particularly pleased to see such a significant improvement in the ranking of our Business and Management programmes which has moved into the top 20 in the UK.”

Published 18 September 2023
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