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Professor Kathy Pain contributes to LGA 'Future of Cities' conference

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Professor Kathy Pain has been asked by the Local Government Association (LGA) to contribute an essay for their 2022 'Future of Cities' Conference in Harrogate.

Her short essay entitled, "What do we want our cities to be, and how do we get there?" is being presented at the conference on 28-30 June. At the conference, speakers including Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Michael Gove MP will discuss the latest issues facing local government.

The paper draws on Kathy’s research on sustainable city and regional development, governance and planning under conditions of contemporary globalization. The paper also draws on her role as a Co-Director of the Globalization & World Cities (GaWC) Research Network leading GaWC’s Global City Planning research. Drawing on her interdisciplinary practitioner-academic background, Kathy’s research links social sciences concepts and theories to quantitative and qualitative data, shedding light on dynamic social, economic and financial networks and flows for public and private sector end-users.

The LGA represents local councils in England and Wales as a lobbying voice and as a support and improvement organisation. Kathy's research will subsequently help inform thinking related to the Government agenda for levelling up.

Kathy Pain

Professor of Real Estate Development
Published 28 June 2022
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