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Huawei ICT Academy partnership continues to thrive

Jin Jin007

Henley’s partnership with the Huawei ICT Academy (HICTA) has continued to thrive with more than 1,600 students engaging with various activities.

Throughout 2021, the academy has successfully delivered 10 Huawei-certified training courses to 106 students, and launched a series of online industrial masterclasses in collaboration with Huawei Western Europe, which was attended by more than 1,600 students.

The academy has also enjoyed a raft of award success: four HICTA instructors - Jim Wang, Claria Guo, Lecky Li and Fabio Oliveira - have been named ‘Outstanding Huawei Instructor of the Year’; HICTA executive director Jin Jin (pictured) was awarded a prize for ‘Outstanding Management and Leadership’; and the programme was named ‘Outstanding Huawei ICT Academy 2021’.

Leading on from this, HICTA has been appointed as the Huawei Academy Support Centre for the whole of the UK, making Henley Business School the only higher education institute in western Europe to hold such an affiliation. The academy will lend its experience and good practice to other universities and Huawei-affiliated ICT providers.

Finally, the academy has recruited 25 student ambassadors to help develop its alumni network, and to promote its courses, competitions and other opportunities.

Huawei ICT Academy is a collaboration between Huawei and Henley Business School, providing executive training and research innovation in ICT-related areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and their application within business.

Find out more about HICTA.

Published 28 February 2022
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