Planning expert appointed chairman of New Forest National Park Authority
Planning expert Professor Gavin Parker has been appointed as chairman of the New Forest National Park Authority.

Planning expert Professor Gavin Parker has been appointed as chairman of the New Forest National Park Authority.
Professor of Planning Studies in Henley’s Real Estate and Planning department, Professor Parker has specialised in countryside planning and community engagement research. He has published widely on topics relevant to the work of the National Park.
He joined the board of the Authority in 2017 after being appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and also serves on its Planning Committee.
Professor Parker said:
“As someone born and brought up in Salisbury with family in Downton on the northern edge of the Forest, my interest and commitment to the wellbeing of communities in and around the Forest has always been close to my heart and I’ve been very privileged to be able to have a career that has embraced countryside planning for around 25 years.”
He added:
“My main aim as chairman is to continue to build the necessary networks and collaborative relations needed for the work and the aims of the National Park to flourish and to be promoted.”
The New Forest, located in southern England, was designated a national park in 2005. The Authority is responsible for conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area and promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the park by the public.
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