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WOW: Has AI Made Corporate Group-Think Bigger & Riskier?

Event information
Date 10 November 2020
Time 18:00-19:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue Online
Event types:

We saw retail move online in the 1990s and with it came an influx of new consumer data that separated industry players. We witnessed those that harnessed and use data to respond to consumer demands flourish. We also saw the deaths of those that didn’t (BHS, Toys'R'Us, Monsoon and now even Debenhams is in retail-ICU).

In this talk, Richard asks if the same changes will happen in corporations as new communications data is made available. More companies are harvesting our data from conversations via web conferencing platforms including using Natural Language Understanding (NLU) from speech, non-verbal communication - including emotion and gestures.

So, as the coronavirus rips through retail and other businesses further, Richard asks, is the power of this data combined with deep learning too big and too risky? Drawing comparisons with the use of and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social media, Richard will examine the risks to business growth of this data influencing the decision making, limiting creativity and constructing internal echo-chambers of ideas and processes.

Richard Foster-Fletcher is CEO of, an Artificial Intelligence Advisory and Strategy Practice. Formerly with Oracle Corporation, he speaks about how Human-Centric AI can promote sustainable innovation across business and societies and that AI offers a new lens by which to analyse problems and discover solutions. Richard is a graduate of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Strategy Course with the Sloan School of Management and a contributing author to the book AI: The Future of Finance published by Wiley. Richard founded the Milton Keynes Artificial Intelligence (MKAI) hub and is the host of the AI futurism podcast ‘Boundless’.

This event is open to everyone.

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