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HARP Seminar, presented by Marelize Malan: "Engaging accounting students in online learning"

Event information
Date 3 December 2020
Time 14:00-15:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Price Free
Venue Online
Event types:


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced nearly every tertiary institution to move its academic programmes online. Students have had to study at home, while educators have had to become expert online teachers. Other students, however, make a deliberate choice to study online as it provides them with access to formal learning while being able to work. Whether online learning is through choice or circumstances, engaging students in online learning is essential. For a student to be a successful online learner, they need to engage socially and collaboratively through their behaviours, emotions and cognition. Using an action research approach, this study incorporated an engagement framework into an online module and a face-to-face module which had to run fully online. Student reflections showed that the modules were cognitively engaging, that personal preference will guide social engagement and that working collaboratively will always be a challenge. The face-to-face students struggled with physical isolation and anxiety and not all enjoyed the shift to online learning. The students’ perceptions showed that the framework can be implemented in multiple settings.

Marelize Malan

Short Bio on Presenter: Marelize Malan is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Accountancy at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She teaches Financial Accounting to second year students enrolled for the Bachelors of Accounting, wishing to become Chartered Accountants.She is also the Programme Coordinator of their fully online B Com degree that began in 2018. She holds a Master’s degree in International Accounting, is a Chartered Accountant (SA), and a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

She married her high school sweetheart and has two teenage boys that are avid field hockey players. She and her family are keen rugby enthusiasts and are looking forward to the Lions visit that will hopefully take place next year!