Alumni Third Wednesday Drinks, London June
As a result of the continuing spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the current working patterns of our alumni in the UK, we have taken the decision to cancel our London Drinks in person this month. We hope you will understand the need to prioritise the health and safety of our alumni at this time.

Pour yourself a beer, wine, tea or tipple of your choice then join us for our informal get together of Henley Alumni and friends.
We will have time to discuss very current issues that we are facing as people, businesses and society. There will be introductions, topic, discussion and 'networking'.
Please register now and then we will send you an email with the Google Hangout details. To sign in easily you will be best via Chrome, Google HangOut app and maybe google / gmail account. This event is organised in partnership with the Business & Technology Special Interest Group, Andrew Gaule will be leading the online discussion
If you have any discussion topics you wish to put forward please contact Neil Poole or Kirsty Parker on Henley Live from our London Alumni Group.
Every month, Henley Business School alumni based in London, or just passing through the city, gather for an evening of informal networking and socialising. With the venue often changing, but the event always taking place on the third Wednesday of the month, the drinks serve as the ideal opportunity to connect with fellow Henley Business School alumni in a relaxed setting. You do not need to book to attend, just drop in!
If you would like to be added to the mailing list for these events, please contact the Alumni & Development Team.
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