7TH CREATIVE SPARK Entrepreneurship, Impact and Doing Business in Space 13-14 March 2025 Berlin

Event information | |
Date | 13 - 14 March 2025 |
Time | 9:45-16:00 (Timezone: Europe/London) |
Venue | Henley Business School |
Event types: |
Venue: Indiana University Europe Gateway
Gneisenaustraße 27, 10961 Berlin, Germany
Workshop Organizers:
David B. Audretsch, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Maksim Belitski, University of Reading, UK
Elettra D’Amico, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Antje Fiedler, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Chet Miller, University of Houston, USA
Giuseppe Scellato, Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Shaker A. Zahra, University of Minnesota, USA
Sponsors: Indiana University, ICD Business School, Politecnico di Torino
Link to connect to the workshop on Googlemeet:
Presentation Recommendations:
10-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions.
Maximum of 20 slides (including introduction and thank-you slides).
No more than 30 words per slide (exceptions: tables and figures).
Make it visual and interactive (e.g., animations, colors).
Do not overload a single slide with an entire chapter—it disconnects you from the audience. If needed, use pre-printed handouts.
Prepare, prepare, prepare! Selling your research idea is all about preparation.
House Rules on Room Occupancy:
A maximum of 20 people is allowed in the meeting room at a time.
If the number of participants exceeds 20, a breakout area is available with snacks, drinks and WiFi to connect to a session.
Workshop Agenda
Wednesday, March 12th, 7.30 pm (self-financed) for the early birds.
Dinner booked in Mokkabar at Gneisenaustraße 93, 10961 Berlin, Germany
We are expecting 10-12 people to join
Booking password Antje Fiedler/Creative spark
Thursday, March 13
9.45 – 10.00 Berlin 3.45 -4.00 AM EST |
Registration of participants at Indiana University Europe Gateway Berlin |
10.00 – 10.15 Berlin 4.00 -4.15 AM EST |
Welcome to Creative Spark 7.0 |
10.15 – 11.00 Berlin 4.15 -5.00 AM EST |
Keynote 1: What is Impact? What is Doing Business in Space? |
11.00 – 12.30 Berlin 5.00 -6.30 AM EST |
Session: Academic engagement, innovation and impact Chair: Antje Fiedler, University of Auckland, New Zealand
12.30 – 13.30 Berlin 6.30 -7.30 AM EST |
Lunch |
13:30 – 14.15 Berlin 7.30 -8.15 AM EST |
Keynote 2: Doing business in Space in Academy of Management Discoveries |
14.15 – 15.00 Berlin 8.15 -9.00 AM EST |
Doing business in Space | Session: Entrepreneurship
15.00 – 15.20 Berlin 9.00 -9.15 AM EST |
Coffee break |
15.20 – 16.20 Berlin 9.20 -10.20 AM EST |
Chair: Giuseppe Scellato, Politecnico di Torino
16.20- 18.30 Berlin In person in Berlin |
Free time: working in groups, working on your own, checking emails, beer, calling significant ones, finding car-pooling to go to the concert / dinner, changing, getting metro tickets, else? |
18.30 – 22.00 Berlin In person in Berlin |
Creative Spark presents dining and jazz: Monika Herzig and Birgitta Flick Fournos by TerzoMondo, Grolmanstraße 28 | 10623 Berlin What to expect? The German-American jazz pianist Monika Herzig and Berlin saxophonist and composer Birgitta Flick present an interactive concert with exciting improvisations and interpretations of the highest international level. The concert will be presented to the public as part of Creative Spark 7.0 in collaboration with Indiana University, Loyola University, and Henley School of Business - a unique experience. More information: https://www.terzomondo.de/event/monika-herzig-birgitta-flick/ |
Friday, March 14
10.00 Berlin 4.00 AM EST |
Morning refreshments at Indiana University Europe Gateway Berlin |
10.00 – 11.10 Berlin 4.00 -5.10 AM EST |
Session: Doing business in Space Chair: Elettra D’Amico, Politecnico di Torino
11:10 – 11:40 Berlin 5.10 -5.40 AM EST |
Coffee break |
11:40 – 13.00 Berlin 5.40 -7.00 AM EST |
Session: Doing business in Space Chair: Giuseppe Scellato, Politecnico di Torino
13.00 – 14.00 Berlin 7.00 -8.00 AM EST |
Lunch (for those unable to lunch – virtual Karantika sandwich box) |
14.00 – 16.00 Berlin 8.00 -10.00 AM EST |
Session: Impact Chair: Maksim Belitski, Loyola University New Orleans, USA “The Impact of AI Adoption on Firm Efficiency “ - Author(s): Janina Voigt, Martina Buratti, Matthias Menter, Nikolaus Seitz
16.00 10.00 AM EST |
Good-bye and virtual Karantika sandwich box to go |
List of workshop participants:
Chet Miller, University of Houston, USA
mail: chet.miller@bauer.uh.edu
Jeffrey Martin, University of Alabama, USA
Mail: jmartin22@ua.edu
Wales Bill, University of SUNY, USA
Mail: wwales@albany.edu
Sara Amoroso, DIW, Berlin
mail: samoroso@diw.de
Magdalena Marczewska, University of Warsaw. Poland and Imperial College London, UK
mail: mmarczewska@wz.uw.edu.pl
Deniz Tunçalp, Istanbul Technical university, Turkie
mail: tuncalp@itu.edu.tr
Marianna Valente, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Michael Fritsch, University of Jena, Germany
mail: m.fritsch@uni-jena.de
Michael Wyrwich, University of Groningen, Netherlands
mail: m.wyrwich@rug.nl
James Boyer, LiDD École de Design, France
mail: James.Boyer@univ-catholille.fr
Daniel Vrankar, Technische Universität Dresden
mail: daniel.vrankar@tu-dresden.de
Federico Caviggioli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
mail: federico.caviggioli@polito.it
Robin Pesch, Northumbria University, UK
mail: robin.pesch@northumbria.ac.uk
Alessandro Lucini Paioni, Politecnoco di Milano, Italy
mail: alessandro.lucini@polimi.it
Lukas R. Zaghow, TU-Berlin, Germany
mail: zaghow@campus.tu-berlin.de
Janina Voigt , University of Jena, Germany
mail: janina.voigt@uni-jena.de
Valtteri Kaartemo, Tampere University, Finland
mail: valtteri.kaartemo@tuni.fi
Gustavo Barboza, LUNO, USA
mail: gabarboz@loyno.edu
Aaron Pagel, University of Oregon, USA
mail: apagel@uoregon.edu
David Urbano, Uniersita Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
mail: David.Urbano@uab.cat
Monika Herzig, Jam Music Lab Private University, Austria
mail: jazzpianomonika@gmail.com
Alexander Kritikos, DIW, Germany
mail: akritikos@diw.de
Martina Buratti, University Weimar, Germany
mail: artina.buratti@uni-weimar.de
Nadja Nordling, Tampere University, Finland
mail: nadja.nordling@tuni.fi
Dafna Kariv, Reichman University (RUNI), Herzelya, Israel
mail: dafna.kariv@runi.ac.il
David Audretsch, IU, USA
Maksim Belitski, LUNO, USA
mail: mbelitsk@loyno.edu
Michael Stützer, dhbw, Germany
mail: Michael.Stuetzer@dhbw.de
Antje Fiedler, U of Auckland, New Zealand
mail: a.fiedler@auckland.ac.nz
Giuseppe Scellato, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
mail: giuseppe.scellato@polito.it
Elettra D'Amico, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
mail: elettra.damico@polito.it
Pankaj Patel, Villanova University, USA
mail: pankaj.patel@villanova.edu
Sebastián Aparicio Rincon, Uniersita Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Mail: Sebastian.Aparicio@uab.cat
Stephanie Scott, Durham University, UK
mail: mas.a.scott@durham.ac.uk
Hannu Makkonen, Vaasa University, Finland
Mail: hannu.makkonen@uwasa.fi
Jingning Ao , Morgan State University, USA
mail: jingning.ao@morgan.edu
Jana Schmutzler de Uribe, Universidad del Norte, Colombia
mail: schmutzlerj@uninorte.edu.co
Shaker A. Zahra, University of Minnesota, USA
mail: zahra004@umn.edu
March 13th Dinner and concert by carpooling

March 13th Dinner and concert by subway (metro)

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