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Which is the right apprenticeship programme for you?

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Find the right apprenticeship for you

Ready to take the next step in your career? Henley’s apprenticeship programmes are designed to help you grow, develop, and succeed -whatever stage you're at. Follow these simple steps to find the perfect fit for you or your team:

  1. Pick Your career stage – Identify where you are on your professional journey
  2. Choose your subject area - Select the field that's most relevant to you
  3. Join the next Insight session - Hear more about the programme and the opportunities for you and have your questions answered.

Insight sessions

These are the perfect way to get to know your apprenticeship programme. Led by the Apprenticeship Engagement team and our expert academics, these sessions give you a clear picture of what to expect, how everything works, and—most importantly—how you can make the most of your time on the apprenticeship.

What you'll get from the session:

  • A warm welcome to Henley Business School and a look at our learning approach
  • A clear breakdown of the programme - so you know what’s ahead and how it works
  • Insights into how you’ll learn, from workshops to online resources and workplace application
  • A chance to ask questions, meet the team, and get top tips for making the most of your apprenticeship

For those in the early stage of their careers, typically with less than three years of professional experience.

CMDA MP Hero autumn 4 3

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) in Management Practice - Level 6

Builds the organisation's future capability by nurturing bright early talent.

Suitable for: Those at an early stage in their career development with less than three years of excellent professional experience. Applicants typically have achieved three A-levels 3 at ABB or higher OR have up to three years of excellent professional experience.

Find out more about this programme

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Senior Leader Apprenticeship | Future Leaders - Level 7

Prepares graduate talent to become senior business leaders who can manage their responsibilities effectively.

Suitable for: Applicants will typically have less than three years of managerial experience and a degree. Those with no prior degree should have five years of good professional experience.

Next programme start date: 14 May 2025
Nominations due by:
Closing soon

Find out more about this programme

CMDA AM hero 2024 4 3

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) in Applied Management

Enables learners to develop their management skills and address strategic challenges.

Suitable for: Those who have or are about to take on management responsibilities. No prior degree is required. Typically learners have at least three years of professional experience.

Programme start date: 11 March 2025
Nominations due by:

Find out more about this programme

SLABA Hero image 4 3

Senior Leader Apprenticeship | Business Administration - Level 7

Equips learners with the key leadership and management skills to address challenges within your organisation.

Suitable for: Those with a minimum of three years of good managerial experience and an existing degree, or five years of management experience who are currently leading organisations, teams, people and projects with a strategic influence.

Programme start date: 06 May & 10 June 2025
Nominations due:
Closing soon for the May cohort

Find out more about this programme

DTSS hero autumn 4 3

MSc Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist - Level 7

Equips learners with the skills to implement complex digital and technology strategies effectively.

Suitable for: IT professionals and those working with digital and technology teams who have at least two years of relevant professional experience. If they have no prior degree, then applicants will need a minimum of five years of good professional experience.

Programme start date: 16 June & 17 July 2025

Find out more about this programme

SLA Leadership

Senior Leader Apprenticeship | Leadership - Level 7

Equips learners so they become a self-aware and analytical leader who can drive the organisation forward with confidence.

This programme is available upon request from employers interested in a fully closed cohort (subject to a minimum of 35 learners per cohort) with the learning contextualised to your needs.

Suitable for: Typically, applicants already have several years of management experience.

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Improvement Leader Apprenticeship | Managing Business Transformation - Level 6

Equips leaders with the essential skills to drive improvement and strategic change.

Suitable for: Typically, applicants have at least two years of experience working in an improvement or transformation role. This could include participating in projects, process and change management activities as well as building strategies and leading improvement projects.

DTSS hero autumn 4 3

MSc Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist - Level 7

Equips learners with the skills to implement complex digital and technology strategies effectively.

Suitable for: IT professionals and those working with digital and technology teams who have at least two years of relevant professional experience. If they have no prior degree, then applicants will need a minimum of five years of good professional experience.

Programme start date: 16 June & 17 July 2025

Improvement Leader Apprenticeship 4 3

Improvement Leader Apprenticeship | Managing Business Transformation - Level 6

Equips leaders with the essential skills to drive improvement and strategic change.

Suitable for: Typically, applicants have at least two years of experience working in an improvement or transformation role. This could include participating in projects, process and change management activities, as well as building strategies and leading improvement projects.