Return to the World of Work: Action Research Series
Henley Business School invites you to take part in our action-led research series to understand the post-crisis challenges that businesses will face. We want to explore your concerns and what is needed to build organisational capability for a stronger future.
The forum
The series comprises six virtual workshop sessions led by Henley’s faculty, with a group of participants from a range of organisations.
Each 60-minute session will start with inputs and highlights from the faculty’s research to stimulate the group’s thinking, then the faculty will facilitate a confidential and interactive dialogue with participants on their specific research topic.
The outcome
You will experience real-time, engaging and thought-provoking conversation with input from Henley’s panel of experts. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to live research that will help reset, reinvigorate and re-shape your return to the new normal. As participating members you will receive a research point of view paper, drafted with insights, foresight and recommendations from the faculty member leading your session.
The sessions
See below for more information on each session.
- Each session runs from 10:00 - 11:00
- Registration is required, there is no charge
- Please sign up for one event only
How can organisations build trust?
Friday 29 May
Professor Andrew Kakabadse
How can organisations build trust as they attempt to pull themselves together after this current crisis?
What does this mean for top-team dynamics, chair/CEO relations, engaging with stakeholders, and re-examining the very essence of the organisation?
Who will stay and who will go?
Wednesday 8 July
Professor Karen Jansen
We have experienced a fundamental change in the way we work and interact with our families - and as with previous crises, some organisations will stay while others will go.
How can we balance workforce planning and capability building, while maintaining our culture (to propel the organisation into the future)?
How can we build consumer confidence?
Tuesday 9 June
Professor Moira Clark
How can we build consumer confidence if we want to create a brave new world for businesses?
How do we ensure we don't stop communicating with our customers, but instead build trust, empathise, and refine their experience (especially the omni-channel experience)?
The psychological effects of returning to a new normal
Wednesday 22 July
Professor Tricia Riddell
The current crisis has placed us in an 'enforced experiment', with individuals taking many different approaches to leadership. So what have been the unintended consequences of change and how can these create opportunities beyond return to business as usual?
What does the future of work look like - now?
Wednesday 24 June
Dr Naeema Pasha
In the space of 2 weeks, we shifted to online working. What’s the impact of this compressed digital disruption on our skill set and well-being? Have we considered the human factors? And how will innovations such as 5G and the Internet of Things influence us?
Don't waste a good crisis
Tuesday 28 July
Professor David Pendleton
Crises usually push people into new ways of working - innovation and re-imagination are key.
So how do we explore the unexpected opportunities that are now emerging? What new ways of working are going to come about from this enforced experiment?
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