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Professor Rajneesh Narula

Director of the Dunning Centre for International Business (stakeholder engagement)

Professor of International Business Regulation

Professor rajneesh narula 397 3 Rajneesh Narula 75e5pfi6j


  • Innovation, 
  • Foreign investment, 
  • Industrial policy, 
  • Outsourcing, 
  • Development


Whiteknights campus

Prof Rajneesh Narula obtained his BEng from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria, an MBA and PhD from Rutgers University, USA. His research and consulting have focused on the role of multinational firms in development, innovation and industrial policy, technological change in developing countries, R&D alliances and outsourcing.

Rajneesh Narula is the John H. Dunning Chair of International Business Regulation at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. His research and consulting have focused on the role of multinational firms in development, innovation and industrial policy, R&D alliances and outsourcing. He has published over 100 articles and chapters in books on these themes. He regularly acts as a consultant and advisor to the European Commission, UNIDO, UNCTAD and the OECD, and a variety of other international organisations. He holds honorary appointments at UNU-MERIT, Norwegian School of Business and Oxford University. His publications have appeared in leading journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Oxford Development Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies and Management International Review.

In January 2018, Professor Narula was awarded an OBE in recognition of his services to business research.

Reference: Li, D., Fu, X., Narula, R. , von Zedtwitz, M. and Wagner, B. (2025) R&D management under disruption and uncertainty. R&D Management. ISSN 1467-9310 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Minbaeva, D., Narula, R. , Phene, A. and Fitzsimmons, S. (2024) Beyond global mobility: how human capital shapes the MNE in the 21st century. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN 1478-6990 doi: (In Press)
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Juergensen, J. J., Love, J. H., Surdu, I. and Narula, R. (2024) Learning-by-exporting: the strategic role of organizational innovation. International Business Review. 102339. ISSN 1873-6149 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Bhaumik, S. K., Estrin, S. and Narula, R. (2023) Integrating host-country political heterogeneity into MNE-state bargaining: insights from international political economy. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: van der Straaten, K., Narula, R. and Giuliani, E. (2023) The multinational enterprise, development and the inequality of opportunities: a research agenda. Journal of International Business Studies, 54 (9). pp. 1623-1640. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Pineli, A. and Narula, R. (2023) Industrial policy matters: the co-evolution of economic structure, trade, and FDI in Brazil and Mexico, 2000 - 2015. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 50. pp. 399-444. ISSN 1972-4977 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Van Assche, A. and Narula, R. (2022) Internalization strikes back? global value chains, and the rising costs of effective cascading compliance. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. ISSN 1972-4977 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Cui, V., Narula, R. , Minbaeva, D. and Vertinsky, I. (2022) Towards integrating country- and firm-level perspectives on intellectual property rights. Journal of International Business Studies, 53 (9). pp. 1880-1894. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Asmussen, C., Chi, T. and Narula, R. (2022) Quasi-internalization, recombination advantages and global value chains: clarifying the role of ownership and control. Journal of International Business Studies, 53. pp. 1747-1765. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Juergensen, J. J., Narula, R. and Surdu, I. (2022) A systematic review of the relationship between international diversification and innovation: a firm-level perspective. International Business Review, 31 (2). 101955. ISSN 0969-5931 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula - Dr Irina Surdu
Reference: Kano, L., Narula, R. and Surdu, I. (2022) Global value chain resilience: understanding the impact of managerial governance adaptations. California Management Review, 64 (2). ISSN 0008-1256 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Pla-Barber, J., Villar, C. and Narula, R. (2021) Governance of global value chains after the Covid-19 pandemic: a new wave of regionalization? Business Research Quarterly, 24 (3). pp. 204-213. ISSN 2340-9444 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Anand, J., McDermot, G., Mudambi, R. and Narula, R. (2021) Innovation in and from emerging economies: new insights and lessons for international business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (4). pp. 545-559. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2022) IPRs, cross-border (collaborative) innovation and development challenges: a commentary. In: Castellani, D. , Perri, A., Scalera, V. G. and Zanfei, A. (eds.) Cross-border Innovation in a Changing World. Players, Places and Policies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 346-360. ISBN 9780198870067 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. , Verbeke, A. and Yuan, W. (2021) The theory of international business strategy. In: Mellahi, K., Meyer, K., Narula, R. , Surdu, I. and Verbeke, A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy. Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 11-36. ISBN 9780198868378
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Lee, J. M. , Narula, R. and Hillemann, J. (2021) Unraveling asset recombination through the lens of firm-specific advantages: a dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of World Business, 56 (2). 101193. ISSN 1090-9516 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Jongmin Lee - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Juergensen, J., Guimón, J. and Narula, R. (2020) European SMEs amidst the COVID-19 crisis: assessing impact and policy responses. Economia e Politica Industriale, 47 (3). pp. 499-510. ISSN 0391-2078 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Guimón, J. and Narula, R. (2020) Ending the COVID-19 pandemic requires more international collaboration. Research-Technology Management, 63 (5). pp. 38-41. ISSN 1930-0166 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Nardella, G. , Narula, R. and Surdu, I. (2021) Behavioural theory and MNE decision making: changing the narrative in international business management. In: Bozkurt, Ö., Geppert, M. and Schiller, F. (eds.) A research agenda in international business management. Edward Elgar.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula - Dr Irina Surdu
Reference: Surdu, I. and Narula, R. (2021) Organizational learning, unlearning and re-internationalization timing: differences between emerging- versus developed-market MNEs. Journal of International Management, 27 (3). 100784. ISSN 1075-4253 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Irina Surdu - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2020) Policy opportunities and challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic for economies with large informal sectors. Journal of International Business Policy, 3 (3). pp. 302-310. ISSN 2522-0705 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2020) Japan and Japanese firms: historical and modern lessons for international business and economic development. JAPAN MNE Insights, 6 (1).
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and van der Straaten, K. (2020) A comment on the multifaceted relationship between multinational enterprises and within-country inequality. Critical Perspectives on International Business. ISSN 1742-2043 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Zhan, J. (2019) Using special economic zones to facilitate development: policy implications. Transnational Corporations, 26 (2). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1014-9562 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. , Asmussen, C., Chi, T. and Kundu, S. (2019) Applying and advancing internalization theory: the multinational enterprise in the 21st century. Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (8). pp. 1231-1252. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2019) Enforcing higher labour standards within developing country value chains: consequences for MNEs and informal actors in a dual economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 50. pp. 1622-1635. ISSN 1478-6990 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Andersson, U., Brewster, C. , Minbaeva, D., Narula, R. and Wood, G. (2019) The IB/ IHRM interface: exploring the potential of intersectional theorizing. Journal of World Business, 54 (5). 1009988. ISSN 1090-9516 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Chris Brewster - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Pineli, A., Narula, R. and Belderbos, R. (2021) FDI, multinationals and structural change in developing countries. In: Alcorta, L., Foster-McGregor, N., Verpagen, B. and Szirmai, A. (eds.) New Perspectives on Structural Change: Causes and Consequences of Structural Change in the Global Economy. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198850113
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Guimón, J. and Narula, R. (2020) When developing countries meet transnational universities: searching for complementarity and dealing with dual embeddedness. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24 (3). pp. 314-336. ISSN 10283153 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Pineli, A. (2019) Improving the development impact of multinational enterprises: policy and research challenges. Economia e Politica Industriale/Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 46 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0391-2078 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Martinez-Noya, A. and Narula, R. (2018) What more can we learn from R&D alliances? A review and research agenda. Business Research Quarterly, 21 (3). pp. 195-212. ISSN 2340-9436 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Castellani, D. , Narula, R. , Nguyen, Q. , Surdu, I. and Walker, J. (2018) No longer at ease in the old dispensation: reappraising the role of international business in the world economy. In: Castellani, D. , Narula, R. , Nguyen, Q.T.K. , Surdu, I. and Walker, J. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in International Business: Institutions, Strategy and Performance. The Academy of International Business. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9783319702193 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Davide Castellani - Professor Rajneesh Narula - Dr Quyen Nguyen - Dr Irina Surdu - Prof James T Walker
Reference: Narula, R. (2018) An extended dual economy model: implications for emerging economies and their multinational firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13 (3). pp. 586-602. ISSN 1746-8809 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Lee, J. M. and Narula, R. (2020) The theories of the multinational enterprise. In: Spatareanu, M. (ed.) Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise. Encyclopedia of International Economics and Global Trade (1). World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore. ISBN 9789811200533 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Jongmin Lee - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. , Massini, S. and Elia, S. (2019) Disintegration, modularity and entry mode choice: Mirroring technical and organizational architectures in business functions offshoring. Journal of Business Research, 103. pp. 417-431. ISSN 0148-2963 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Mudambi, R. , Narula, R. and Santangelo, G. D. (2018) Location, collocation and innovation by multinational enterprises: a research agenda. Industry and Innovation, 25 (3). pp. 229-241. ISSN 1366-2716 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Ashok, M. , Day, M. and Narula, R. (2018) Buyer (dis)satisfaction and process innovation: the case of information technology services provision. Industrial Marketing Management, 68. pp. 132-144. ISSN 0019-8501 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Mona Ashok - Professor Marc Day - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2018) Multinational firms and the extractive sectors in the 21st century: can they drive development? Journal of World Business, 53 (1). pp. 85-91. ISSN 1090-9516 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Collinson, S. , Narula, R. and Rugman, A. M. (2016) International Business. 7th edition. Pearson, Haslow. ISBN 9781292064390
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Collinson, S. , Narula, R. and Rugman, A. (2016) International business. Pearson, Harlow. ISBN 9781292064390
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Prasad Kodiyat, T. (2016) How home country weaknesses can constrain EMNE growth: the example of India. Multinational Business Review, 24 (3). pp. 249-278. ISSN 1525-383X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Ashok, M. , Narula, R. and Martínez-Noya, A. (2016) How do collaboration and investments in knowledge management affect process innovation in services? Journal of Knowledge Management, 20 (5). pp. 1004-1024. ISSN 1367-3270 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Mona Ashok - Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2017) Emerging market MNEs as meta-integrators: the importance of internal networks. International Journal of Technology Management, 74 (1/2/3/4). pp. 214-220. ISSN 1741-5276 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Shakil Wahed, M. (2017) The dominant presence of MNEs in agro-food GVCs: implications for the developing countries. In: Mergos, G. and Papanastassiou, M. (eds.) Food Security and Sustainability: Investment and Financing along Agro-food Value Chains. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 71-88. ISBN 9783319407890 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Pineli, A. (2017) Multinational enterprises and economic development in host countries: what we know and what we don’t know. In: Giorgioni, G. (ed.) Development Finance. Challenges and Opportunities. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 147-188. ISBN 9781137580313 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2016) Será que precisamos de enquadramentos diferentes para explicar as EMN jovens oriundas dos países em vias de desenvolvimento? In: Urze, P. and Corado Simões, V. (eds.) Investimento Internacional, Inovação e Desenvolvimento de Capacidades Locais. Edições Colibri, Lisbon.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Narula, R. (2015) A set of motives to unite them all? Multinational Business Review, 23 (1). pp. 2-14. ISSN 1525-383X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Noya, A. (2015) International R&D alliances by firms: origins and development. In: Archibugi, D. and Filippetti, A. (eds.) The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 144-170. ISBN 9781118739068
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Verbeke, A. (2015) Making internalization theory good for practice: the essence of Alan Rugman’s contributions to international business. Journal of World Business, 50 (4). pp. 612-622. ISSN 1090-9516 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Narula, R. and Un, C. A. (2015) Internationalization motives: sell more, buy better, upgrade and escape. Multinational Business Review, 23 (1). pp. 25-35. ISSN 1525-383X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2011) Globalisation and technology: interdependence, innovation systems and industrial policy. Chinese edition. Intellectual Publishing House, Beijing. ISBN 9787513001915
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2015) The viability of sustained growth by India’s MNEs: India’s dual economy and constraints from location assets. Management International Review, 55 (2). pp. 191-205. ISSN 1861-8901 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Portelli, B. and Narula, R. (2006) Foreign direct investment through acquisitions and implications for technological upgrading: case evidence from Tanzania. European Journal of Development Research, 18 (1). pp. 59-85. ISSN 1743-9728 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2006) Globalization, new ecologies, new zoologies and the purported death of the eclectic paradigm. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23 (2). pp. 141-156. ISSN 1572-9958 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2003) Globalisation and technology: interdependence, innovation systems and industrial policy. Polity Press. ISBN 9780745624563
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Collinson, S. and Narula, R. (2014) Asset recombination in international partnerships as a source of improved innovation capabilities in China. Multinational Business Review, 22 (4). pp. 394-417. ISSN 1525-383X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2014) The limits of 'new' multinational enterprises: institutions, systems, and 'members-only' location advantages. In: Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Ramamurti, R. (eds.) Understanding multinationals from emerging markets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 81-107. ISBN 9781107064539
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Rugman, A. (2014) Introduction to the special issue on competence-creating subsidiaries. Long Range Planning, 47 (1-2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0024-6301 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2014) Exploring the paradox of competence-creating subsidiaries: balancing bandwidth and dispersion in MNEs. Long Range Planning, 47 (1-2). pp. 4-15. ISSN 0024-6301 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2014) Foreign direct investment as a driver of industrial development: why is there so little evidence? In: Verbeke, A. , van Tulder, R. and Strange, R. (eds.) Progress in International Business Research. Emerald Publishing, pp. 45-67. ISBN 9781781909898 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Kirollos, K. (2013) Las empresas multinacionales de los países emergentes en los flujos de capitales globales ¿Pueden influir en el desarrollo? Información Comercial Española, 870. pp. 97-116. ISSN 0019-977X
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Criscuolo, P. and Narula, R. (2008) A novel approach to national technological accumulation and absorptive capacity: aggregating Cohen and Levinthal. European Journal of Development Research, 20 (1). pp. 56-73. ISSN 1743-9728 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Bellak, C. (2009) EU enlargement and consequences for FDI-assisted industrial development. Transnational Corporations, 18 (2). pp. 69-89. ISSN 1014-9562
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2012) Do we need different frameworks to explain infant MNEs from developing countries? Global Strategy Journal, 2 (3). pp. 188-204. ISSN 2042-5805 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Guimón, J. (2012) The role of multinational corporations in the national innovation systems of the EU new member states. In: Heidenreich , M. (ed.) Innovation and institutional embeddedness of multinational companies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 311-328. ISBN 9780857934321
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Zanfei, A. (2004) Globalisation of innovation: the role of multinational enterprises. In: Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. C. and Nelson, R. R. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management . Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199264551
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2003) Understanding the growth of international R&D alliances. In: Cantwell , J. and Molero, J. (eds.) Multinational Enterprises, Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation. New Horizons in International Business. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781843764793
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2006) Knowledge creation and why it matters for development. In: Globalization of R&D and developing countries. UNCTAD, Geneva, pp. 43-60. ISBN 9211126940
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Dunning, J. H. (2012) Multinational enterprises, development and globalization: some clarifications and a research agenda. In: Pietrobelli, C. and Rasiah, R. (eds.) Evidence-based development economics: essays in honor of Sanjaya Lall. University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpar, pp. 19-40. ISBN 9789831005439
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Santangelo, G. D. (2012) Location and collocation advantages in international innovation. Multinational Business Review, 20 (1). pp. 6-25. ISSN 1525-383X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Driffield, N. (2012) Does FDI cause development? The ambiguity of the evidence and why it matters. European Journal of Development Research, 24 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0957-8811 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Michel, J. (2010) Reverse knowledge transfer and its implications for European policy. In: Ahrweiler, P. (ed.) Innovation in complex social systems. Routledge studies in global competition (49). Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415558709
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2011) Attracting and embedding R&D in multinational firms: policy options for EU new member states. In: Radosovic , S. and Kaderabkova, A. (eds.) Challenges for European innovation policy: cohesion and excellence from a Schumpeterian perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781849803090
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Santangelo, G. D. (2012) New insights on the role of location advantages in international innovation. In: Verbeke, A. and Merchant, H. (eds.) Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, pp. 291-309.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Guimón, J. (2010) The investment development path in a globalised world: implications for Eastern Europe. Eastern Journal of European Studies, 1 (2). pp. 5-19. ISSN 2068-6633
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Lall, S. and Narula, R. (2004) Foreign direct investment and its role in economic development: do we need a new agenda? The European Journal of Development Research, 16 (3). pp. 447-464. ISSN 0957-8811 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2004) R&D collaboration by SMEs: new opportunities and limitations in the face of globalisation. Technovation, 24 (2). pp. 153-161. ISSN 0166-4972 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Duysters, G. (2004) Globalisation and trends in international R&D alliances. Journal of International Management, 10 (2). pp. 199-218. ISSN 1075-4253 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Cantwell, J.A. and Narula, R. (2003) Revisiting the eclectic paradigm: new developments and current issues. In: Cantwell, J.A. and Narula, R. (eds.) International business and the eclectic paradigm: developing the OLI framework. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy. Routledge, London, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9780415316781
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Cantwell, J.A. and Narula, R. (2003) International business and the eclectic paradigm: developing the OLI framework. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy. Routledge, London, pp320. ISBN 9780415316781
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Criscuolo, P., Narula, R. and Verspagen, B. (2005) Role of home and host country innovation systems in R&D internationalisation: a patent citation analysis. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 14 (5). pp. 417-433. ISSN 1476-8364 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Benito, G. R. G. and Narula, R. (2007) Multinationals on the periphery. Palgrave, pp288. ISBN 9781403991669
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Portelli, B. (2007) Foreign direct investment and economic development: opportunities and limitations from a developing country perspective. In: Piscitello, L. and Santangelo, G. D. (eds.) Do multinationals feed local development and growth? Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp. 13-34. ISBN 9780080453606
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Criscuolo, P. and Narula, R. (2007) Using multi-hub structures for international R&D: organisational inertia and the challenges of implementation. Management International Review, 47 (5). pp. 639-660. ISSN 1861-8901 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2008) Multinational enterprises. In: Reinert, K., Rajan, R.S., Glass, A. and Davis, L. (eds.) Princeton Encyclopaedia of the World Economy. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691128122
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Santangelo, G. D. (2009) Location, collocation and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry. Research Policy, 38 (2). pp. 393-403. ISSN 0048-7333 doi: < >
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Criscuolo, P. and Narula, R. (2008) A novel approach to national technological accumulation and absorptive capacity: aggregating Cohen and Levinthal. In: Meyer, K. E. (ed.) Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781847206473
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Benito, G. R. G., Larimo, J., Narula, R. and Pedersen, T. (2009) Multinational enterprises from small economies: the internationalization patterns of large companies from Denmark, Finland and Norway. In: Van Den Bulcke, D., Verbeke, A. and Yuan, W. (eds.) Handbook on small nations in the global economy: the contribution of multinational enterprises to national economic success. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9781843765929
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2009) Do multinationals matter for emerging markets, or vice versa? In: Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G. and Costa, I. (eds.) Multinationals and emerging economies: the quest for innovation and sustainability. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 75-77. ISBN 9781848440081
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Meyer, K.E., Mudambi, R. and Narula, R. (2011) Multinational enterprises and local contexts: the opportunities and challenges of multiple embeddedness. Journal of Management Studies, 48 (2). pp. 235-252. ISSN 1467-6486 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. and Dunning , J. H. (2010) Multinational enterprises, development and globalisation: some clarifications and a research agenda. Oxford Development Studies, 38 (3). 263-287 . ISSN 1469-9966 doi: < >
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula
Reference: Narula, R. (2010) Keeping the eclectic paradigm simple. Multinational Business Review, 18 (2). pp. 35-50. ISSN 1525-383X
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Rajneesh Narula

International Business, Development and Policy

This module is intended for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. It will provide an introduction to the role multinational enterprises (MNEs) can play in development, and how governments are able to...

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2 July 2020

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Module Convenor for International Strategic Management, Contemporary Issues in International Business, and Industrialisation and the Multinational Enterprise.

Research supervision

Professor Narula is currently supervisor for the following students:

Mohammad Shakil Wahed, Global Value Chains and MNEs in Bangladesh

Sabreena Zaman, Organizational slack in EMNEs

Jill Jurgensen, SMEs and Innovation